Let's face it, buying a new mattress that is of even decent quality can be very difficult for those of us who live on a tight budget every month.
New mattresses are expensive.
However, sleeping on a quality one is important for the health of many people and are not just for comfort.
Those who live with chronic back pain, sleep disorders, or any other conditions that require that they get good body support as they sleep, need a quality mattress.
In order to afford one, many people turn to discount or wholesale mattress warehouses to find a bargain.
While many of them can offer tremendous value to the consumer, there are those designed to do nothing but rip you off.
One of the biggest tricks to look out for from these warehouses is counterfeit name brand mattresses.
Often, the unit could be made in some country overseas and a fake tag is put on to it to pass it off as a legitimate name brand unit like Sealy or Simmons.
To make sure that the one you are looking at is legitimate, get the serial number of it and contact the manufacturer.
They will be able to tell you whether or not it's legitimate.
Watch out for stolen merchandise.
While it's difficult to tell whether or not the stock could be stolen, use your common sense here.
If you sense that something is wrong, it probably is.
Make sure that there are valid warranty offers on the mattresses that are being sold there.
If the warranty is legitimate and being honored by the manufacturer, you can rest assured that the place is legitimate.
Lastly, look out for older models being passed off as current or up to date models.
Technology is constantly advancing in the manufacturing of mattresses and buying one that is even one year old could make you miss out on some great features and you will definitely overpay.
New mattresses are expensive.
However, sleeping on a quality one is important for the health of many people and are not just for comfort.
Those who live with chronic back pain, sleep disorders, or any other conditions that require that they get good body support as they sleep, need a quality mattress.
In order to afford one, many people turn to discount or wholesale mattress warehouses to find a bargain.
While many of them can offer tremendous value to the consumer, there are those designed to do nothing but rip you off.
One of the biggest tricks to look out for from these warehouses is counterfeit name brand mattresses.
Often, the unit could be made in some country overseas and a fake tag is put on to it to pass it off as a legitimate name brand unit like Sealy or Simmons.
To make sure that the one you are looking at is legitimate, get the serial number of it and contact the manufacturer.
They will be able to tell you whether or not it's legitimate.
Watch out for stolen merchandise.
While it's difficult to tell whether or not the stock could be stolen, use your common sense here.
If you sense that something is wrong, it probably is.
Make sure that there are valid warranty offers on the mattresses that are being sold there.
If the warranty is legitimate and being honored by the manufacturer, you can rest assured that the place is legitimate.
Lastly, look out for older models being passed off as current or up to date models.
Technology is constantly advancing in the manufacturing of mattresses and buying one that is even one year old could make you miss out on some great features and you will definitely overpay.