Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Fun Indoor Games for a Team


    • There's no telling what odd twists these stories will take.the sat?? story image by Frenk_Danielle Kaufmann from

      In this game, teams must collaborate on the creation of a story. The team leader can begin the story by creating a title. She can continue setting the mood and initial scene, or she can pass the story on to the next person. The next person adds his details and plot twists to the story before passing it to another team member. Everyone must add something to the story.

      To add an additional twist to this game, the person currently telling the story can select the next person in line, and she must leave the room so she cannot hear the story. After a minute or two, she returns and someone tells her the last line spoken. She must then pick up the story without knowing any additional details. For this version, another teammate can write the story down so everyone can hear the complete version at the end.

    Human Knot

    • In this game, teams work together to get out of a image by Sonja Janson-K??rwers from

      The team separates into 1 or 2 tight circles. Each member reaches her right hand across the circle and grabs another member’s right hand. Each member then reaches across with his or her left hand to grab a different group member’s left hand. The result is a knot of human hands and arms. The object of the game is to untangle the knot without releasing hands.

      If a group’s knot seems impossible to untangle, the team leader can break one set of hands with the group’s consensus. The first group to untangle their knot wins. Alternatively, the leader of the group may decide the knots are unsolvable after prolonged attempts.

      To make the game more challenging, each team can attempt to untangle the knots without speaking to one another.

    Sing Along

    • This game is a mix of karoake and a guessing game.micros rang??s image by Unclesam from

      Divide each team into groups of 3 or more people, then have the team leader assign 3 words to each group (such as summer, dance and dress). Each group then gets one minute to list songs containing any of the words they were given. Each team should think of as many songs as possible.

      After the minute is up, one of the groups must sing a line from one of the songs, with the entire group singing. The other groups then attempt to guess the name of the song. The group that guesses correctly sings a song from its list. No songs may be repeated. The group that sings, and consequently guesses, the most songs wins the game.

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