Health & Medical Women's Health

Recommended Diet To Treat Cysts

Cysts are abnormal masses of smooth muscle tissue that are located in the uterus or around it and occasionally in the cervix.
They can be single or multiple, usually develop in women of reproductive age, often between thirty and fifty years, to decrease in size after menopause.
Usually requires no treatment.
In many cases are asymptomatic or cause excessive uterine bleeding, pain, tightness, infertility, abortion and premature birth.
Their size ranges from 1 mm to over 20 cm in diameter.
In case of persistent cysts, to consult the medical specialist and solve your problem with power lines as recommended below.
These treatments are not recommended for pregnant women.
Recommended diet to treat Cysts: General recommended foods.
Oil (almond, olive oil), fish oil (anchovy), whole grains (oats, organic wheat), black beans, lentils, yeast, honey, red meat fish (anchovy, salmon, sardines, trout ), quinoa, flax seed, organic soybean (long grain and lighter), tofu.
Foods with estrogenic activity.
Garlic, sesame, rice, oats, beets (beets), broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cumin, flaxseed, peanuts, apples, potatoes, pineapple, licorice, cabbage, organic soybean, carrot.
General Fruits recommended.
Aguaje, mandarin, mango, melon, orange, pears, pineapple.
Dried fruits.
Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans.
Recommended Vegetables general.
Chard, celery, beetroot (beets), onion, turnip, parsley, paprika, radish, carrot.
Olives, basil, celery, onion, spinach, black beans, yeast of beer, lentils, seafood, melon, parsley, pumpkin seeds, carrot.
Menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea.
Pink garlic, eggplant, whole grains, prunes, fruits (figs, apples, passion fruit, papaya), shiitake mushrooms, dried ginger, oregano, red fish, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower).
Almonds, celery, beets, onions, whole grains, asparagus, pomegranates, figs, peaches, nuts, plantain, potatoes, pears, pineapple, leeks, radishes, seeds, tea, vegetables.
Premenstrual syndrome.
Artichokes, broccoli, dates, spinach, ginger, lettuce, turnip, orange, avocado, pear, pineapple, watermelon, soy (soy milk, tofu), tomato, carrot.
Foods with magnesium (almonds, apple, raisins, beans, sesame).
Foods with omega-3 (tuna, salmon, trout, nuts, flax oil, olive oil virgin, etc.
Foods with vitamin E (pumpkin seeds, nuts and seeds).
Foods not recommended.
Refined sugar, caffeine, red meat (from animals raised industrially, with rapid growth and hormone injections to calves), saturated fat (fried, fries, sausages), refined flour (white bread, cakes, biscuits) eggs, dairy products (animal milk, cheese, butter), chicken (farm), vinegar.
Fasting diets to treat Cysts 1.
- Aloe vera or aloe, honey and drink (rum, brandy, gin, rum, tequila or vodka).
Take a leaf aloe pulp, then place it in a liter of honey and let it marinate for three days in the sun, add 3 tablespoons of brandy, rum, tequila or vodka.
Take fasting, 20 days a month (including menstruation), a glass daily.
Rest 10 days per month of this preparation.
Not recommended for pregnant women.
- Aloe vera or aloe, lemon, honey and drink (rum, brandy, gin, rum, tequila or vodka).
Mix a leaf or aloe leaf, washed and cut into pieces yet (also peel the skin or rind), then use only one glass of aloe vera, together with another glass of honey (natural, of good), a glass acid lemon juice (subtle, preferably) and one of drink (rum, brandy, gin, rum, tequila or vodka) in a blender until the mixture is homogeneous.
Save in the refrigerator until the next day and have a drink before breakfast, for 10 days a month outside the rules, then rest 20 days a month and continue to another month to fix the problem.
Beetroot (beets), molasses (molasses, molasses, brown sugar or powdered brown sugar).
Go through the extractor a kilo of raw beetroot, mix with half a kilo of molasses in a glass container.
Mix and store in the refrigerator.
Take a glass or cup 20 days a month, include the rule.
A second formula is to mix one cup of beetroot extract with hot water and add two tablespoons of molasses.
Not recommended for pregnant women.
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