The reinvigorated market for medical imaging systems employing x-rays has undoubtedly been propelled by the explosion of digital technology. But also, the expanded role of imaging modalities in a whole host of clinical applications from trauma to cancer to cardiology has increased the profile of radiography while enabling computer technologies expand the usefulness of traditional x-ray techniques.
Kalorama's Medical Imaging Markets Volume I: Radiography analyzes the current and potential world market for medical x-ray systems, including several distinct imaging modalities and applications both traditional and digital:
The report also briefly covers ancillary equipment such as PACS and medical laser imagers.
This report provides manufacturers' revenues and shares in the global market, but particularly disects the U.S. market. This report generally reviews the nature and direction of research and clinical practice and discusses the drivers and restraints to continued expansion. as well as future markets. It also profiles several companies involved in marketing medical x-ray equipment, including Analogic, Fuji, Kodak, GE Healthcare, Imaging Dynamics, and R2 Technology, among others.
Market forecasts are based on an examination of current market conditions and on investigations into the development of new products by key companies. The market data provide multiple year forecasts for all product segments covered in the report. The information presented in this report is the result of data gathered from company product literature and other corporate brochures and documents, as well as information found in the scientific and trade press. In addition, interviews were conducted with company executives, clinicians and researchers.
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Kalorama's Medical Imaging Markets Volume I: Radiography analyzes the current and potential world market for medical x-ray systems, including several distinct imaging modalities and applications both traditional and digital:
general radiography
x ray
digital x ray
computed tomography (CT)
The report also briefly covers ancillary equipment such as PACS and medical laser imagers.
This report provides manufacturers' revenues and shares in the global market, but particularly disects the U.S. market. This report generally reviews the nature and direction of research and clinical practice and discusses the drivers and restraints to continued expansion. as well as future markets. It also profiles several companies involved in marketing medical x-ray equipment, including Analogic, Fuji, Kodak, GE Healthcare, Imaging Dynamics, and R2 Technology, among others.
Market forecasts are based on an examination of current market conditions and on investigations into the development of new products by key companies. The market data provide multiple year forecasts for all product segments covered in the report. The information presented in this report is the result of data gathered from company product literature and other corporate brochures and documents, as well as information found in the scientific and trade press. In addition, interviews were conducted with company executives, clinicians and researchers.
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