- 1). Reduce the time running the pump. Running the pump is one of the most costly operating expenses, as it takes a great deal of electricity. Although it is essential to run the pump to keep pool water clean, the pump can be run three to four hours per day and still effectively filter the pool water. Using a hand-held skimmer to skim leaves and debris from the surface of the water further reduces the need to run the pump.
- 2). Clean the filter and pump annually. Once a year, pull apart your filter and pump and hand-clean each. If you have a DE filter, soak the cartridge overnight in soapy water and allow it to air dry before returning the cartridge to the filter. Clean any debris or dirt from the filter. If you have a sand filter, refill it with fresh sand. This will save money by allowing the filter and pump to work at an optimal level.
- 3). Replace granular shock with liquid chlorine. Granular shock is generally used to raise the chlorine level in the pool. It is done about once a week for maintenance and also after a lot of rain or after a lot of swimmers have used the pool. Adding 1 gallon of liquid chlorine per 10,000 gallons of water to your pool instead of the granular shock will have the same effect but liquid chlorine is about 1/3 the price of granular shock.