- Curly hair cuticles contain bends that cause the cuticles to be permanently lifted, which is what causes curly hair to feel coarse and brittle. This also makes curly hair have less porosity--less ability to absorb and retain moisture. Hair needs to retain moisture to make it healthy and shiny. Hair that is subjected to harsh chemicals, such as perms, colorings and highlights needs even more moisture treatments. Moreover, hair that is subjected to intense sunlight and acidic or polluted atmospheres need additional moisture as well.
You can create your own dry hair treatments by using a variety or recipes. One method is to mix one egg with one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of olive oil. Apply this mixture to wet hair, cover it with a shower cap and allow it to sit for approximately 30 minutes. Shampoo the mixture from your hair, using cool water.
Another way to treat dried curls is to add one tablespoon of honey to two tablespoons of shampoo. Lather the mixture into your hair, and rinse and style as usual. - Silky, shiny hair is a result of tight, flat hair cuticles. Because curly hair does not have tight, flat cuticles, it does not always appear as shiny as straight hair. The reason for this is that lifted cuticles absorb light, rather than reflect it as flat cuticles do. The solution is to moisturize the curls as much as possible to help smooth cuticles and induce more silkiness and shininess.
Induce shiny curls by mixing ¼ cup of vinegar with ¼ cup of olive oil and four drops of tea tree oil. Apply the mixture to damp curls, cover with a shower cap and leave in for approximately 30 minutes. Rinse your hair thoroughly.
You can also mix one tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of shampoo and one teaspoon of tea tree oil and apply it to damp hair. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
Dry Hair Treatments
Shine Treatments