Health & Medical Mental Health

Mental Fitness - Sciences of the Mind

Efforts to explore, to understand, and to heal the mental disturbances that many humans experience, have been left in the past to two separate mainstreams of science - neurobiology and cognitive psychology.
The work on the former focuses upon the brain itself and the latter upon the science of the human mind and psyche.
Efforts to explore, to understand, and to heal the mental disturbances that many humans experience, have been left in the past to two separate mainstreams of science - neurobiology and cognitive psychology.
The work on the former focuses upon the brain itself and the latter upon the science of the human mind and psyche.
Now there is a natural and necessary merging as integration between the two spheres becomes an obvious need and requires a coordinated pattern of investigation.
Psychologists and psychiatrists already function in a coordinated fashion with psychologists assisting us in developing patterns of behavior that result in healthy outcomes and psychiatrists helping us by treating an abnormality, usually through the means of chemicals and drugs.
In the subtle blend of thought and feeling associated with our inward psychological maladies, there are many facets to be considered in healing, all of which require personal involvement in self discipline if we are to arrive at mental fitness.
We have to be the ones to finally manage our inner states of consciousness much as physical health requires our direction and activity.
Under the current system, should we be concerned about our personal mental state after consultation with our doctor, is that we are likely to be recommended to consult with a psychologist, who may in turn recommend a psychiatrist, who may direct us to hospitalization for 'observation' and appropriate medication with drugs.
There are also other avenues of treatment open to explore in conjunction, or through our independent choice.
These are of particular interest to people who do not wish drug treatment.
There are therapists who work with relaxation techniques - breath control- hypnotherapy - nutritional adjustments - exercise therapy - chiropractic- massage and many other valuable alternative therapies.
It is only when we are incapable of thought management, emotional expression and physical mobility to the extent of our capacity to make the required adjustments and compromises, that we are forced to consider total reliance upon others in order to exist.
To avoid such a future, we must be aware of all methods proven to assist our minds to optimum health and be prepared to work towards a state of mental fitness as we must do regarding our physical and emotional health.
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