- 1). Print a number grid from 1 to 100. Hand a copy to students for them to keep and work on together with the teacher.
- 2). Sieve through the numbers with students, starting from number 1. To find out of a number is prime, use the process of elimination. This is the only way to know if a number is prime. Divide each number by numbers smaller than it to know if the larger number is divisible by any number other than the number one. As soon as a number divides, cross it out because it is not prime.
- 3). Show the students that the numbers left will all be prime numbers. The students should practice this technique and try to memorize as many prime numbers as they can, at least the prime numbers under 50.
- 1). Play the prime number hunter game. Give each student a copy of the chart.
- 2). Give the students 5 minutes to circle all the prime numbers on the grid and cross out all the composite numbers. Five minutes is enough time for the first time the game is played. Each additional time the game is played, the time should be cut shorter and shorter until the teacher only gives one minute to the students to complete the game.
- 3). The student who finishes first with the most number of answers correct wins.
Learning Prime Numbers
Practicing Prime Numbers