The world after having more than five decades of relative peace seems to be engaged in bitter conflicts today on every field.
There is hardly a day, when some terrorist attack or bomb blast does not take place in some part of the world.
Dozens of people are being killed everyday as a result of such attacks on the innocent people.
It is a hard fact that the people had always been fighting with each other on some ground or other.
Despite of immense prosperity that has been brought in the world by the scientific inventions, the conflicts has not reduced.
The number of people died in the twentieth century due to conflict was far more than people died in the conflicts in previous centuries.
There seems to be every possibility that the present century is not likely to be any better unless the humanity understand the cause of conflict and resolve them forever.
The Blind Truth Contrary to the popular believe, no conflict is without any reason.
People are quick to term the acts of terrorism as senseless, yet the cause of all violence is serious as the life of people including the life of the perpetrator is at stack.
No man can ever lay his life except for the cause of "righteousness", which is rewarded in the other world.
All conflicts seem to arise due to the difference of the perception of truth of man between self and others.
While we "know" what we know from our direct experience hence we believe that as truth.
We have to "understand" what other people consider as truth using our intuition and knowledge of others.
Interestingly, we always believe that we know the whole truth while others do not know the truth as illustrated in the story of five blind man.
How do you feel if these five men start fighting with each other because they all claim to know the truth? Perhaps you will call them fools as they are fighting without knowing that all of them are wrong as the truth is different (elephant).
Yet it is a reality that the root of all conflicts lies in this simple truth that most people are just blind to everything else and consider only what they know or see as "Right" and everything what other know as "Wrong".
People of one scripture consider every other scripture as bundle of lies as they believe that there scripture alone is right.
In reality, nothing is really wrong in this world as everything that exist is "Right" as God would never create anything that is unnecessary, wrong or without a purpose.
Therefore, what one consider as wrong is actually right for others.
Thus both people fight with each other for their "Right".
Let us analyze some of these rights and wrongs.
Believers Vs Unbelievers The conflicts in the world today are often called by West as the clash of civilization as the so called war against terror has believers (religious fundamentalist) on one end and the nonbelievers on the other end.
Every scripture exhorts its follower to (blindly) believe what is written in the scripture.
The people who doubt the scriptures are called the nonbelievers who face the wrath of God.
Holy Quoran conveys this message of God to man,
Yet who must be called unbeliever is a great mystery as all people believe or have faith on something.
More than 90 percent of the world still believes in some religion.
Even the remaining 10 percent people believe on Supreme or Some Higher Power that controls the world.
They instead of calling themselves religious prefer to call themselves spiritual, humanist or agnostic.
They all have valid reason to pursue their belief.
Yet if a scripture is interpreted in a way that all people who follow other scriptures or belong to other religions, are unbelievers and infidel then all people comes into with each other as there are numerous religions in the world.
Even amongst the people who are born in the same religion, all can not be said to be believers as most people can't follow every thing that is said in their religion.
A Christian would never be sure if God asked people to believe in the "eye for eye" policy or in the policy of "offer your second cheek".
Whether God is all merciful or vindictive? Thus some people justify the killing of innocent people as in conformity with their religion while other people condemn such acts calling it against their religion.
Whether everyone is equal before God or He has given special place for the people of a specific religion or race? All fundamentalist people totally ignore the truth of other religions which is the cause of all terrorism and act of violence in the world today.
Freedom Vs Control The West is often very proud of being a free society and believes that people in the west enjoys high degree of freedom while the freedom is much lesser in the Eastern world.
Freedom and Liberty are the most cherished ideals of humanity in the western world.
Yet are they really free? In a free society, there must be no law so that everyone can do what they want.
Every single law of a society is meant to curb the freedom of the individual.
However, western countries have the largest number of laws in the world.
They gave the rule of law concept to the world which means that the society must be ruled not by individuals but by the laws.
The mere existence of law does not make a society restrictive unless the laws are enforced strictly.
There are a large number of laws in countries like India, yet the enforcement is extremely poor.
West however, enforces their law very strictly and sever punishment is given to the people who violate the laws.
On the contrary, East is not that severe in its enforcement and the nonobservance of law is the rule.
No wonder most Non-western countries lie on the top of the corrupt countries as even the government officials do not observe the law of the land.
Thus western societies are far from free as everyone needs to comply with the laws of the land.
Thus the Americas and Europe have largest percentage of population in prison.
It is also a fact that many countries like Russia, China and Singapore achieved high degree of growth and prosperity by restricting the freedom of their people.
Thus freedom is not the only truth for the happiness and growth of the people.
Uncontrolled freedom gives rise to conflict as an absolutely free society is same as a jungle where the fittest only survive.
In many ways, the people of East are not less free than west as there the freedom is far more prevalent due to little compliance of law.
The reality is that freedom and restrictions has to coexist as the world can not survive uncontrolled freedom or without freedom.
Capitalism Vs Socialism Another idea that divides the world is the idea o capitalism vs.
It has resulted to decades of cold war between the votaries of these idealism viz.
West was so sure about the role of capitalist society that they called it "Right" while the socialists were termed as "Left".
Yet no society can ever survive based on one philosophy alone.
Socialism has already collapsed in Russia (Yet is kicking in China).
The Capitalism too is facing grave threat recently due to the meltdown of the Wall Street and collapse of top banking an financial institution of the USA.
The US government is planning to pump some 700 billion dollars to save this institution by virtually nationalizing them.
Thus they are following socialism which they always condemned.
Russia too have learned its lesson and followed the policies of capitalism of private industries and capitalism.
The truth, therefore, is that the societies that believes in the equality of all is as much a right as those who believe in individualism which means that everyone has to reap what he sows.
There can not be equality between good and evil.
Any society that tries to create equality at any cost is as much likely to perish as the one that gives unlimited benefit to individual in indifference to the other members of the society.
Your Right Vs My Right The source of all conflict is therefore, the people who believe in different rights or truths.
The belief is so strong that they are willing to lay their life for the righteous cause and also take the life of other people for their righteous cause.
In reality, righteousness is the creation of human mind to fulfill their selfish goal which is mostly against the goals of others.
For example, all civilized society allows the child to inherit the wealth of their parents as a matter of right.
Thus a person may own billions without doing anything while billions own nothing as they are born from poor parents.
Yet the opposite is not always right as if the wealth of the world is uniformly distributed to all people in the world, no one would work for the creation of wealth and gradually all wealth would be destroyed.
Similarly the understanding of the world from purely rational and scientific perspective is as much wrong as looking the world from the religious perspective.
Everything that exist in the world can not be seen and everything that can be seen does not exist.
"Seeing is believing" is only the half truth as the remaining part of the truth is that "we see what we believe".
Man like any other specie of the world is not only body but also soul.
Yet the body and soul are so integrated with each other that one can never exist without other.
All truths like this.
For every truth, there is an equal and opposite truth that exist in this world.
The need is to understand both the truths simultaneously as one being the manifestation of the same Truth.
Opposite of Right is not Wrong Contrary to the popular perception, the opposite of right is not wrong but another right.
The other truth is equality important to the world just like opposite of man viz.
woman are equally important.
Thus there is nothing like righteousness in this world as what is considered to opposite of righteousness viz.
sin is as much a right and the right itself.
Thus the unbelievers are as much right as the believers.
Socialism is as much a right as the capitalism.
Freedom is as much right as control.
All opposite rights exist in complementary to each other like the proton and electron, North Pole and South Pole.
The key to end all conflict in the world to enlarge the vision of societies to enable people to honestly understand the other side of the truth rather than forcing one's own truth on everyone else by violence and power.
History has repeatedly taught the man that what man considered right at one point of time was rejected by them as wrong subsequently.
The evil is not in having sense of righteousness but excessive belief in the one's own righteousness that makes one believe that everything opposite as wrong.
The accommodation of the two alone can end all conflicts on this globe.
There is hardly a day, when some terrorist attack or bomb blast does not take place in some part of the world.
Dozens of people are being killed everyday as a result of such attacks on the innocent people.
It is a hard fact that the people had always been fighting with each other on some ground or other.
Despite of immense prosperity that has been brought in the world by the scientific inventions, the conflicts has not reduced.
The number of people died in the twentieth century due to conflict was far more than people died in the conflicts in previous centuries.
There seems to be every possibility that the present century is not likely to be any better unless the humanity understand the cause of conflict and resolve them forever.
The Blind Truth Contrary to the popular believe, no conflict is without any reason.
People are quick to term the acts of terrorism as senseless, yet the cause of all violence is serious as the life of people including the life of the perpetrator is at stack.
No man can ever lay his life except for the cause of "righteousness", which is rewarded in the other world.
All conflicts seem to arise due to the difference of the perception of truth of man between self and others.
While we "know" what we know from our direct experience hence we believe that as truth.
We have to "understand" what other people consider as truth using our intuition and knowledge of others.
Interestingly, we always believe that we know the whole truth while others do not know the truth as illustrated in the story of five blind man.
Five blind men wanted to find out what an elephant was.This story has been used since ages by the different philosophers of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism and Jainism to explain that individual perception is not truth as we can't see the whole truth if we become blind to the perception of other people.
They had one brought to them.
Surrounding the elephant, each blind man reached up to touch it.
The first blind man grabbed the elephant's trunk.
He said, "Aha! So an elephant is like a snake.
" The second blind man, holding one of the elephant's legs said, "Oh, no, it's like a tree trunk.
" The third grabbed the elephant's ear and said, "How can you say that? An elephant is clearly like a fan.
" The fourth, clutching the animal's tail, said, "No, no, no! The elephant is a like a rope.
" The fifth, climbing up the side of the elephant, said, "You're all wrong! The elephant resembles a small hill.
How do you feel if these five men start fighting with each other because they all claim to know the truth? Perhaps you will call them fools as they are fighting without knowing that all of them are wrong as the truth is different (elephant).
Yet it is a reality that the root of all conflicts lies in this simple truth that most people are just blind to everything else and consider only what they know or see as "Right" and everything what other know as "Wrong".
People of one scripture consider every other scripture as bundle of lies as they believe that there scripture alone is right.
In reality, nothing is really wrong in this world as everything that exist is "Right" as God would never create anything that is unnecessary, wrong or without a purpose.
Therefore, what one consider as wrong is actually right for others.
Thus both people fight with each other for their "Right".
Let us analyze some of these rights and wrongs.
Believers Vs Unbelievers The conflicts in the world today are often called by West as the clash of civilization as the so called war against terror has believers (religious fundamentalist) on one end and the nonbelievers on the other end.
Every scripture exhorts its follower to (blindly) believe what is written in the scripture.
The people who doubt the scriptures are called the nonbelievers who face the wrath of God.
Holy Quoran conveys this message of God to man,
When thy Lord revealed to the angels, saying, `I am with you; so make firm those who believe.All religions prescribe heavy punishment for the people who disbelieve God (as revealed in their scriptures).
I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve.
Smite them above their necks, and smite off all finger-tips.
(Sura 8: 13)
Yet who must be called unbeliever is a great mystery as all people believe or have faith on something.
More than 90 percent of the world still believes in some religion.
Even the remaining 10 percent people believe on Supreme or Some Higher Power that controls the world.
They instead of calling themselves religious prefer to call themselves spiritual, humanist or agnostic.
They all have valid reason to pursue their belief.
Yet if a scripture is interpreted in a way that all people who follow other scriptures or belong to other religions, are unbelievers and infidel then all people comes into with each other as there are numerous religions in the world.
Even amongst the people who are born in the same religion, all can not be said to be believers as most people can't follow every thing that is said in their religion.
A Christian would never be sure if God asked people to believe in the "eye for eye" policy or in the policy of "offer your second cheek".
Whether God is all merciful or vindictive? Thus some people justify the killing of innocent people as in conformity with their religion while other people condemn such acts calling it against their religion.
Whether everyone is equal before God or He has given special place for the people of a specific religion or race? All fundamentalist people totally ignore the truth of other religions which is the cause of all terrorism and act of violence in the world today.
Freedom Vs Control The West is often very proud of being a free society and believes that people in the west enjoys high degree of freedom while the freedom is much lesser in the Eastern world.
Freedom and Liberty are the most cherished ideals of humanity in the western world.
Yet are they really free? In a free society, there must be no law so that everyone can do what they want.
Every single law of a society is meant to curb the freedom of the individual.
However, western countries have the largest number of laws in the world.
They gave the rule of law concept to the world which means that the society must be ruled not by individuals but by the laws.
The mere existence of law does not make a society restrictive unless the laws are enforced strictly.
There are a large number of laws in countries like India, yet the enforcement is extremely poor.
West however, enforces their law very strictly and sever punishment is given to the people who violate the laws.
On the contrary, East is not that severe in its enforcement and the nonobservance of law is the rule.
No wonder most Non-western countries lie on the top of the corrupt countries as even the government officials do not observe the law of the land.
Thus western societies are far from free as everyone needs to comply with the laws of the land.
Thus the Americas and Europe have largest percentage of population in prison.
It is also a fact that many countries like Russia, China and Singapore achieved high degree of growth and prosperity by restricting the freedom of their people.
Thus freedom is not the only truth for the happiness and growth of the people.
Uncontrolled freedom gives rise to conflict as an absolutely free society is same as a jungle where the fittest only survive.
In many ways, the people of East are not less free than west as there the freedom is far more prevalent due to little compliance of law.
The reality is that freedom and restrictions has to coexist as the world can not survive uncontrolled freedom or without freedom.
Capitalism Vs Socialism Another idea that divides the world is the idea o capitalism vs.
It has resulted to decades of cold war between the votaries of these idealism viz.
West was so sure about the role of capitalist society that they called it "Right" while the socialists were termed as "Left".
Yet no society can ever survive based on one philosophy alone.
Socialism has already collapsed in Russia (Yet is kicking in China).
The Capitalism too is facing grave threat recently due to the meltdown of the Wall Street and collapse of top banking an financial institution of the USA.
The US government is planning to pump some 700 billion dollars to save this institution by virtually nationalizing them.
Thus they are following socialism which they always condemned.
Russia too have learned its lesson and followed the policies of capitalism of private industries and capitalism.
The truth, therefore, is that the societies that believes in the equality of all is as much a right as those who believe in individualism which means that everyone has to reap what he sows.
There can not be equality between good and evil.
Any society that tries to create equality at any cost is as much likely to perish as the one that gives unlimited benefit to individual in indifference to the other members of the society.
Your Right Vs My Right The source of all conflict is therefore, the people who believe in different rights or truths.
The belief is so strong that they are willing to lay their life for the righteous cause and also take the life of other people for their righteous cause.
In reality, righteousness is the creation of human mind to fulfill their selfish goal which is mostly against the goals of others.
For example, all civilized society allows the child to inherit the wealth of their parents as a matter of right.
Thus a person may own billions without doing anything while billions own nothing as they are born from poor parents.
Yet the opposite is not always right as if the wealth of the world is uniformly distributed to all people in the world, no one would work for the creation of wealth and gradually all wealth would be destroyed.
Similarly the understanding of the world from purely rational and scientific perspective is as much wrong as looking the world from the religious perspective.
Everything that exist in the world can not be seen and everything that can be seen does not exist.
"Seeing is believing" is only the half truth as the remaining part of the truth is that "we see what we believe".
Man like any other specie of the world is not only body but also soul.
Yet the body and soul are so integrated with each other that one can never exist without other.
All truths like this.
For every truth, there is an equal and opposite truth that exist in this world.
The need is to understand both the truths simultaneously as one being the manifestation of the same Truth.
Opposite of Right is not Wrong Contrary to the popular perception, the opposite of right is not wrong but another right.
The other truth is equality important to the world just like opposite of man viz.
woman are equally important.
Thus there is nothing like righteousness in this world as what is considered to opposite of righteousness viz.
sin is as much a right and the right itself.
Thus the unbelievers are as much right as the believers.
Socialism is as much a right as the capitalism.
Freedom is as much right as control.
All opposite rights exist in complementary to each other like the proton and electron, North Pole and South Pole.
The key to end all conflict in the world to enlarge the vision of societies to enable people to honestly understand the other side of the truth rather than forcing one's own truth on everyone else by violence and power.
History has repeatedly taught the man that what man considered right at one point of time was rejected by them as wrong subsequently.
The evil is not in having sense of righteousness but excessive belief in the one's own righteousness that makes one believe that everything opposite as wrong.
The accommodation of the two alone can end all conflicts on this globe.