When it comes to maneuvering around the house, multiple sclerosis can make things difficult.
You never know when your arms or legs will give out on you.
You appreciate the helping hands of family, friends and caregivers but sometimes you just want to be able to get around on your own, especially when you're alone and it's a simple thing.
You'd really rather not have someone running to your rescue for every little thing when you could very well accomplish the task yourself.
You're not naïve about your limitations and very conscious of safety, but you realize your need of that little something extra for some of those tricky areas in the house like steps in unusual places and absolutely every staircase.
What you need is something to hold onto.
Getting around the house safely and securely can be easier than you thought with "Safety Hand Grips".
Besides the usual places where grab bars are used, like the bathroom, shower and toilet.
Safety Hand Grips can be put in all those other areas around the house where you also need the extra support but no one but you thought it was necessary.
Most of the Safety Hand Grips in the marketplace today are at least 9 inches in length or longer and feature construction of a durable ABS material; a type of plastic in high favor for it's scratch and dent resistant properties.
They are commonly packaged in pairs with everything you need to secure them where you need them.
They are reasonably priced from $9.
90 to $15.
80 per set not considering the shipping but if you spend at least a certain dollar amount you might get free shipping.
Bruce Medical.
com carries Safety Hand Grips for $14.
95, order number BMS1578 Painreliever.
com carries Brand Safety Hand Grips for $15.
80, order Model #:521-1578-1900) Aidsforarthritis.
com carries Safety Hand Grips for $9.
90, order Item #: F-9 If you really need to, you could literally install Safety Hand Grips all around your home.
Since studies continually show that more accidents occur in the home than anywhere else, you can't go wrong in being extravagant in putting this simple but effective living aid in every corner of your home.
In fact, you as well as those who love and care for you should rest easier knowing that the Safety Hand Grips are in place.
It doesn't mean that you can throw caution to the wind.
You'll still need to exercise the utmost safety in all you do but you shouldn't have to worry whether or not you'll make it from point A to point B safely.
It's a good investment for your safety or for someone you love.
If you're not sure and you want to try out the Safety Hand Grips before you buy them, look for a lending closet in your area.
Lending closets carry a variety of daily living aids like canes, walkers, scooters and other ingenious gadgets to help make life easier for the disabled or temporarily injured.
If you can't find a lending closet nearby, call MSAA (Multiple Sclerosis Association of America) at 1-800-532-7667.
Inquire about the availability of Safety Hand Grips and a listing of other available aids.
You never know when your arms or legs will give out on you.
You appreciate the helping hands of family, friends and caregivers but sometimes you just want to be able to get around on your own, especially when you're alone and it's a simple thing.
You'd really rather not have someone running to your rescue for every little thing when you could very well accomplish the task yourself.
You're not naïve about your limitations and very conscious of safety, but you realize your need of that little something extra for some of those tricky areas in the house like steps in unusual places and absolutely every staircase.
What you need is something to hold onto.
Getting around the house safely and securely can be easier than you thought with "Safety Hand Grips".
Besides the usual places where grab bars are used, like the bathroom, shower and toilet.
Safety Hand Grips can be put in all those other areas around the house where you also need the extra support but no one but you thought it was necessary.
Most of the Safety Hand Grips in the marketplace today are at least 9 inches in length or longer and feature construction of a durable ABS material; a type of plastic in high favor for it's scratch and dent resistant properties.
They are commonly packaged in pairs with everything you need to secure them where you need them.
They are reasonably priced from $9.
90 to $15.
80 per set not considering the shipping but if you spend at least a certain dollar amount you might get free shipping.
Bruce Medical.
com carries Safety Hand Grips for $14.
95, order number BMS1578 Painreliever.
com carries Brand Safety Hand Grips for $15.
80, order Model #:521-1578-1900) Aidsforarthritis.
com carries Safety Hand Grips for $9.
90, order Item #: F-9 If you really need to, you could literally install Safety Hand Grips all around your home.
Since studies continually show that more accidents occur in the home than anywhere else, you can't go wrong in being extravagant in putting this simple but effective living aid in every corner of your home.
In fact, you as well as those who love and care for you should rest easier knowing that the Safety Hand Grips are in place.
It doesn't mean that you can throw caution to the wind.
You'll still need to exercise the utmost safety in all you do but you shouldn't have to worry whether or not you'll make it from point A to point B safely.
It's a good investment for your safety or for someone you love.
If you're not sure and you want to try out the Safety Hand Grips before you buy them, look for a lending closet in your area.
Lending closets carry a variety of daily living aids like canes, walkers, scooters and other ingenious gadgets to help make life easier for the disabled or temporarily injured.
If you can't find a lending closet nearby, call MSAA (Multiple Sclerosis Association of America) at 1-800-532-7667.
Inquire about the availability of Safety Hand Grips and a listing of other available aids.