Here are 10 ways to promote your music.
Hopefully these tips will help you to promote your music further than just uploading them to your own website as these tips will help spread the word about you and your music.
Hand out CD's of your music to anyone who asks for one, friends, family and have some handy at your gigs to hand to fans.
Get your music onto one of the independent internet radio stations.
You never know who might be listening.
Join up with social networking sites that allow you to upload your music.
Such as Soundclick, MySpace, Bebo and YouTube for videos.
Upload Videos to YouTube, YouTube videos can be added to bebo.
Remember and give a long description as this will give the video keywords.
Submit your music to local press, they love to promote local upcoming talent.
Send your CD's the Readers Music sections in music making magazines such as Computer Music.
Have business cards and CD's at the ready for industry contacts and hand them out.
Ya never know, it just might get you a gig, record deal or anything else.
Become a DJ and play your own music to the masses.
Most DJ's promote their own music this way, and the great thing about it is you don't have to wait for that test promo anymore as CD players are in ever nightclub.
You can then upload your own mixes containing your music only to DJ Mix sites along with your playlist.
Give away some of your mp3's on the web, put your details such as website address etc into file so people know where to go to find more of your music.
Hopefully these tips will help you to promote your music further than just uploading them to your own website as these tips will help spread the word about you and your music.
Hand out CD's of your music to anyone who asks for one, friends, family and have some handy at your gigs to hand to fans.
Get your music onto one of the independent internet radio stations.
You never know who might be listening.
Join up with social networking sites that allow you to upload your music.
Such as Soundclick, MySpace, Bebo and YouTube for videos.
Upload Videos to YouTube, YouTube videos can be added to bebo.
Remember and give a long description as this will give the video keywords.
Submit your music to local press, they love to promote local upcoming talent.
Send your CD's the Readers Music sections in music making magazines such as Computer Music.
Have business cards and CD's at the ready for industry contacts and hand them out.
Ya never know, it just might get you a gig, record deal or anything else.
Become a DJ and play your own music to the masses.
Most DJ's promote their own music this way, and the great thing about it is you don't have to wait for that test promo anymore as CD players are in ever nightclub.
You can then upload your own mixes containing your music only to DJ Mix sites along with your playlist.
Give away some of your mp3's on the web, put your details such as website address etc into file so people know where to go to find more of your music.