When my children were small, I was so busy taking care of those remarkable little beings that I forgot about another remarkable person; me.
Now, hold on a minute, I can see the hair on the back of your neck starting to stand up already! Why does that sound so selfish? Shouldn't it be okay to give credit where credit is due? I mean, who else tirelessly puts other people before themselves on a regular basis and never asks for anything in return? A mother.
Yes, we're wired to love and nurture others, but sometimes in doing so we can lose touch with ourselves.
For many years taking care of my own needs was the last thing on my mind, sound familiar? If so, fear not.
This is an age old problem that many a mother has traversed, so you're not alone.
Allow those of us who have gone before to shine a light in the darkness and lead you on to the Promised Land, (and it's actually a short trip).
So grab a pencil and paper and jot down these 5 easy directions to to finding your way back to the real you! Take time to nurture yourself Who says it's more important to clean the house, go shopping, and look perfect than it is to get your head together and feel centered, guided and positive.
Just think of self nurturing as fuel in your tank.
Without it you'll have no get-up-and-go! There's a difference between just existing and living well.
Isn't that what you want for yourself? The goal is to ENJOY this wonderful life you've created for yourself.
It's simple really; People are mind, body and soul and if we don't address each of those elements in our lives, then our overall satisfaction will fall short.
You're not shortchanging your family by giving yourself some me-time.
Not only will you be happier, but you'll serve as a wonderful example of how to live life with joy and enthusiasm! Mother's brim with pride over their children, but there truly is no more wonderful feeling than allowing your children to be proud of you! Imagine that! Reconnect with your Joy Think of over-scheduling as the "life thief.
" Our intentions may be good by wanting to tend to everyone else first, but there's truth in the saying "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
" The first sign that you're treading in dangerous territory is when your life has become so busy and structured that you can't connect with the things that once made you happy.
In the midst of a busy life, it can be hard to even remember what those things were! At first glance, these things may seem silly with no redeeming value, but they serve to enhance the well being of your mind.
For me, karaoke works.
Something about the freedom of belting out a song is empowering, (although my neighbors might disagree!) Activities that make you happy not only reconnect you to who you are as an individual, but they also serve as your secret weapons against trouble.
They're an arsenal to help protect you from the "life thief.
" As long as you're penciling in the doctor's appointment, playgroup and piano lessons, you might as well throw in a little karaoke time! Schedule joy into your day! It's amazingly refreshing and you don't have to wait for the payoff; it's instant gratification, (even if for only 30 minutes).
Use the salve of silence I know this sounds way too mystical in a world with blaring radios, hundreds of cable channels and 24-hour internet shopping, but just like in kindergarten, we all need a little quiet time.
Here's how you do it: stop everything, take a deep breath in and then visualize all those nagging thoughts and problems leaving you as you exhale.
Listen: Focus all your attention on that sensation of hearing.
Pretend that you have dog ears and see how far away you can hear.
(Doing this helps you quiet your inner "to-list.
") Next, it's time to bandage yourself up before you head back out to the battlefield.
Think of one of your most joyful times and allow yourself to re-live it.
I mean, re-live it to the point that you feel as if you're actually there again! Feel yourself smiling on the inside, and then allow yourself to smile on the outside too! Immerse yourself totally in that moment, regardless of what's going on right now in your life.
Now, from that place of joy and love, gently remind yourself that you're doing the best you possibly can.
You're heart is in the right place and your intentions are good.
Forgive yourself for your imperfections.
It's okay.
Nobody's perfect.
Neither are the people in your life, but they don't have to be either.
Finally, take that joy and shower the things in your life with the rays of thankfulness.
For one moment see them without the glare of any immediate problems.
Acknowledge that you're blessed and your life is full.
The little problems can be solved, but the big, important pieces are in already in place.
Be grateful! Tap into inspiration As you go into the silence more and more, (that's the place of miracles and divine inspiration), you'll find yourself getting the occasional odd thought or inspiration.
It may be an idea you've never had before or a subtle nudge to do something in particular.
Normally we just shove these things out of our minds in preference of the next thing on the to-do list, but pay attention! These are the impetus of genius.
Especially when a thought comes out of the blue and seems strange for you, that's the way you recognize it.
Some of the world's greatest inventions and works of art have been created because an average person, just like you, allowed themselves to hear the whisper of that small voice inside them.
Learn to hear it, and then do it! You'll be amazed by the wonderful places this will lead you! Remember that fulfillment is in the action as much as the goal We always focus on the accomplishment, but by then it's over.
The moment is missed.
Place your focus instead on the feeling, (or loving intention), of the doing.
That's where we live.
Our daily actions are the puzzle pieces that come together to create the portrait of our lives.
If you can stay happy in the doing, then the accomplishments just become the cherry on top of the giant, (calorie free), hot fudge sundae that is your life!
Now, hold on a minute, I can see the hair on the back of your neck starting to stand up already! Why does that sound so selfish? Shouldn't it be okay to give credit where credit is due? I mean, who else tirelessly puts other people before themselves on a regular basis and never asks for anything in return? A mother.
Yes, we're wired to love and nurture others, but sometimes in doing so we can lose touch with ourselves.
For many years taking care of my own needs was the last thing on my mind, sound familiar? If so, fear not.
This is an age old problem that many a mother has traversed, so you're not alone.
Allow those of us who have gone before to shine a light in the darkness and lead you on to the Promised Land, (and it's actually a short trip).
So grab a pencil and paper and jot down these 5 easy directions to to finding your way back to the real you! Take time to nurture yourself Who says it's more important to clean the house, go shopping, and look perfect than it is to get your head together and feel centered, guided and positive.
Just think of self nurturing as fuel in your tank.
Without it you'll have no get-up-and-go! There's a difference between just existing and living well.
Isn't that what you want for yourself? The goal is to ENJOY this wonderful life you've created for yourself.
It's simple really; People are mind, body and soul and if we don't address each of those elements in our lives, then our overall satisfaction will fall short.
You're not shortchanging your family by giving yourself some me-time.
Not only will you be happier, but you'll serve as a wonderful example of how to live life with joy and enthusiasm! Mother's brim with pride over their children, but there truly is no more wonderful feeling than allowing your children to be proud of you! Imagine that! Reconnect with your Joy Think of over-scheduling as the "life thief.
" Our intentions may be good by wanting to tend to everyone else first, but there's truth in the saying "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
" The first sign that you're treading in dangerous territory is when your life has become so busy and structured that you can't connect with the things that once made you happy.
In the midst of a busy life, it can be hard to even remember what those things were! At first glance, these things may seem silly with no redeeming value, but they serve to enhance the well being of your mind.
For me, karaoke works.
Something about the freedom of belting out a song is empowering, (although my neighbors might disagree!) Activities that make you happy not only reconnect you to who you are as an individual, but they also serve as your secret weapons against trouble.
They're an arsenal to help protect you from the "life thief.
" As long as you're penciling in the doctor's appointment, playgroup and piano lessons, you might as well throw in a little karaoke time! Schedule joy into your day! It's amazingly refreshing and you don't have to wait for the payoff; it's instant gratification, (even if for only 30 minutes).
Use the salve of silence I know this sounds way too mystical in a world with blaring radios, hundreds of cable channels and 24-hour internet shopping, but just like in kindergarten, we all need a little quiet time.
Here's how you do it: stop everything, take a deep breath in and then visualize all those nagging thoughts and problems leaving you as you exhale.
Listen: Focus all your attention on that sensation of hearing.
Pretend that you have dog ears and see how far away you can hear.
(Doing this helps you quiet your inner "to-list.
") Next, it's time to bandage yourself up before you head back out to the battlefield.
Think of one of your most joyful times and allow yourself to re-live it.
I mean, re-live it to the point that you feel as if you're actually there again! Feel yourself smiling on the inside, and then allow yourself to smile on the outside too! Immerse yourself totally in that moment, regardless of what's going on right now in your life.
Now, from that place of joy and love, gently remind yourself that you're doing the best you possibly can.
You're heart is in the right place and your intentions are good.
Forgive yourself for your imperfections.
It's okay.
Nobody's perfect.
Neither are the people in your life, but they don't have to be either.
Finally, take that joy and shower the things in your life with the rays of thankfulness.
For one moment see them without the glare of any immediate problems.
Acknowledge that you're blessed and your life is full.
The little problems can be solved, but the big, important pieces are in already in place.
Be grateful! Tap into inspiration As you go into the silence more and more, (that's the place of miracles and divine inspiration), you'll find yourself getting the occasional odd thought or inspiration.
It may be an idea you've never had before or a subtle nudge to do something in particular.
Normally we just shove these things out of our minds in preference of the next thing on the to-do list, but pay attention! These are the impetus of genius.
Especially when a thought comes out of the blue and seems strange for you, that's the way you recognize it.
Some of the world's greatest inventions and works of art have been created because an average person, just like you, allowed themselves to hear the whisper of that small voice inside them.
Learn to hear it, and then do it! You'll be amazed by the wonderful places this will lead you! Remember that fulfillment is in the action as much as the goal We always focus on the accomplishment, but by then it's over.
The moment is missed.
Place your focus instead on the feeling, (or loving intention), of the doing.
That's where we live.
Our daily actions are the puzzle pieces that come together to create the portrait of our lives.
If you can stay happy in the doing, then the accomplishments just become the cherry on top of the giant, (calorie free), hot fudge sundae that is your life!