Even if the 21st Century is seen as the age of the computer and everything is online at your fingertips, it may seem surprising that the humble printed leaflets remain a highly effective and affordable way of promoting your business. Produce good literature and then organize it in attractive and eye-catching leaflet displays and you are providing your customers with instant promotional material and instant brand exposure.
Even though leaflet display stands are very functional in concept and design they have a hugely eclectic range. There are designs for just about anywhere in the workplace and the decision is to choose something suitable within your budget that will generate the most interest to your customers.
Your brochure display stand should show your leaflets to their best advantage. Leaflets are to deliver a message and if the leaflet is not clearly visible within the stand, part of the intent of having the leaflet is already lost and customers will not be attracted enough to pick it up on their own volition.
For position, give thought to the areas your customers most frequent to take advantage of the heaviest footfall such as reception, by the front doors, conference or meeting rooms etc, For style and construction consider whether your leaflet display stand will be wall mountable, floor standing or on a desktop. Will it be static or rotational? Although a multitude of materials are used in the construction of display stands, the style and position may dictate the range of what your stand can be made of.
The size of your brochure is essential in your choice of holder as is quantity. Your brochure may be only one page but you may hope for a fast pick off rate or your brochure may be several pages thick. You should allow for both the size and the replenishment rate when considering capacity. There are plenty of stands on the market already designed for this purpose with specific functions menus, newspapers or where sizes have standardized such as business cards and tourist information leaflets.
If you want your leaflet display stand to make as much a statement about your business as the leaflets it holds the style and construction should fit the image you want to portray. It may be as simple as finding something that matches the workplace decor or it may be about having a bespoke design which incorporates the company logo or it may be about making a statement with color. It may be modern or traditional; it may be retro or funky.
If wall or floor space is limited and you have a range of literature to be displayed then consider a rotary stand. Chose one that provides a good quantity of storage but avoid units that display at levels either above the eye line or below the waist as these may not encourage people to take the literature. Rotary stands can be desk/counter mounted or floor standing.
In summary the display stand you choose should be in the most optimum position, be easily accessible by your target audience, and hold sufficient brochures to avoid constant refilling, show the information to its best advantage and also be kept clean and neat and tidy.
Even though leaflet display stands are very functional in concept and design they have a hugely eclectic range. There are designs for just about anywhere in the workplace and the decision is to choose something suitable within your budget that will generate the most interest to your customers.
Your brochure display stand should show your leaflets to their best advantage. Leaflets are to deliver a message and if the leaflet is not clearly visible within the stand, part of the intent of having the leaflet is already lost and customers will not be attracted enough to pick it up on their own volition.
For position, give thought to the areas your customers most frequent to take advantage of the heaviest footfall such as reception, by the front doors, conference or meeting rooms etc, For style and construction consider whether your leaflet display stand will be wall mountable, floor standing or on a desktop. Will it be static or rotational? Although a multitude of materials are used in the construction of display stands, the style and position may dictate the range of what your stand can be made of.
The size of your brochure is essential in your choice of holder as is quantity. Your brochure may be only one page but you may hope for a fast pick off rate or your brochure may be several pages thick. You should allow for both the size and the replenishment rate when considering capacity. There are plenty of stands on the market already designed for this purpose with specific functions menus, newspapers or where sizes have standardized such as business cards and tourist information leaflets.
If you want your leaflet display stand to make as much a statement about your business as the leaflets it holds the style and construction should fit the image you want to portray. It may be as simple as finding something that matches the workplace decor or it may be about having a bespoke design which incorporates the company logo or it may be about making a statement with color. It may be modern or traditional; it may be retro or funky.
If wall or floor space is limited and you have a range of literature to be displayed then consider a rotary stand. Chose one that provides a good quantity of storage but avoid units that display at levels either above the eye line or below the waist as these may not encourage people to take the literature. Rotary stands can be desk/counter mounted or floor standing.
In summary the display stand you choose should be in the most optimum position, be easily accessible by your target audience, and hold sufficient brochures to avoid constant refilling, show the information to its best advantage and also be kept clean and neat and tidy.