There is a lot of talk about whether or not Ascensia contour test strips are actually effective. The reason that this is the case is because of the fact that they are so simple. For Diabetics that need to test their blood glucose, they just make things so easy. They make them so easy in fact, that they have recently come under fire. Fortunately though, after being thoroughly tested, it has been revealed that these tools from Bayer are still the best that money can buy. So you should stock up on a supply of them if you are low.
Those that live on their own use Ascensia contour test strips, as do those in assisted living communities. And of course, nurses and doctors in convalescent homes and apartments make use of them on a daily basis. They are far and away the best and easiest possible way to test blood glucose, and if you are not using them, you should. You can get them in packs of 25 to packs of 100, and they can also be purchased in large boxes as well. Obviously, ordering them in bulk is the way to get them for the cheapest.
Some people want to know if it is possible to get Ascensia contour test strips in single packages only. The answer to this is that you can, though it is generally not recommended unless you are dealing with an emergency. The reason that it is a bad idea to only purchase them in a pack of one is that you will pay more and not get a discount. Another reason is the fact that you are going to need to use them again in the future, probably in a very short amount of time. It is just better to be prepared.
In the end, it is just the best option to order Bayer Ascensia contour test strips in bulk. Those that need to test their blood and glucose levels need this option, and having it is easy if you manage to stay on top of ordering them. Thankfully though, they are very affordable, and you don't ever have to worry about them being a lower quality than the batch before them. With these things in mind, you can rest assured that the person you are taking care of is in good hands.
Those that live on their own use Ascensia contour test strips, as do those in assisted living communities. And of course, nurses and doctors in convalescent homes and apartments make use of them on a daily basis. They are far and away the best and easiest possible way to test blood glucose, and if you are not using them, you should. You can get them in packs of 25 to packs of 100, and they can also be purchased in large boxes as well. Obviously, ordering them in bulk is the way to get them for the cheapest.
Some people want to know if it is possible to get Ascensia contour test strips in single packages only. The answer to this is that you can, though it is generally not recommended unless you are dealing with an emergency. The reason that it is a bad idea to only purchase them in a pack of one is that you will pay more and not get a discount. Another reason is the fact that you are going to need to use them again in the future, probably in a very short amount of time. It is just better to be prepared.
In the end, it is just the best option to order Bayer Ascensia contour test strips in bulk. Those that need to test their blood and glucose levels need this option, and having it is easy if you manage to stay on top of ordering them. Thankfully though, they are very affordable, and you don't ever have to worry about them being a lower quality than the batch before them. With these things in mind, you can rest assured that the person you are taking care of is in good hands.