Have you ever wondered how to find love again in your marriage? Finding love again just when you think it has left your marriage for good may be more possible than you think.
If you use the three keys described below consistently over time it has been shown that you can indeed find love again - in your marriage.
The first key is to appreciate what you already have in your spouse.
It's that simple.
Appreciate your spouse for who he or she is - not for what you want them to be.
It is a change in your attitude that can make all the difference in the world and can start a chain reaction in creating love where it seemed like none existed.
Marriage Fitness Relationship Coach and Author, Mort Fertel talks about being able to create love out of nothing.
Creating love out of nothing starts with the attitude of your heart.
Everyone wants to be appreciated for who they are.
The best start is to make yourself change the way you think about your spouse.
Stop rewinding and playing all of the negative "tapes" in your head.
Why not instead look for the positive qualities your husband or wife possesses.
I can promise you that it will be a whole lot more pleasant and productive exercise if you do.
The second key is to demonstrate to your spouse that you appreciate them.
You can't just think your way back into finding love.
You have to show your spouse that you appreciate and care for them.
Telling them is a great way to start.
How will they know unless they hear it from you? Words have the power to bring healing or inflict harm.
One note of caution here - be sincere and to the point.
People can usually tell if we are laying it on thick, or telling the truth.
And, when you are using your words to show your appreciation keep it short.
Less is definitely more The third and final key is to let your actions speak louder than your words in telling your spouse that you appreciate them.
Words are nice, but actions tend to give your words more power.
It's like the old saying, "what you do speaks so loudly that I can't hear what you say.
" "Speaking" his or her love language with your actions tells your spouse that you really mean what you say.
Why not tell your spouse that you appreciate what they do so much that you want to give them a well deserved break.
Then follow that with some action.
Things like doing the grocery shopping, cooking dinner, or washing the dishes when it is usually your other half that does those jobs sends a clear message: you love and appreciate your spouse.
Keep in mind that you are doing this even when you don't feel like it.
That really comes through and can create love even in the coldest of hearts.
Now you know three keys on how to find love again in your marriage.
You can certainly find other ways to get rekindle romance in your marriage, but it all starts with these basic principles that we all tend to neglect as time goes by in our relationships.
So DON'T forget to practice these three keys.
Change the way you think and appreciate what you have in your spouse.
Tell your spouse that you appreciate them.
And show them everyday that you do.
If you use the three keys described below consistently over time it has been shown that you can indeed find love again - in your marriage.
The first key is to appreciate what you already have in your spouse.
It's that simple.
Appreciate your spouse for who he or she is - not for what you want them to be.
It is a change in your attitude that can make all the difference in the world and can start a chain reaction in creating love where it seemed like none existed.
Marriage Fitness Relationship Coach and Author, Mort Fertel talks about being able to create love out of nothing.
Creating love out of nothing starts with the attitude of your heart.
Everyone wants to be appreciated for who they are.
The best start is to make yourself change the way you think about your spouse.
Stop rewinding and playing all of the negative "tapes" in your head.
Why not instead look for the positive qualities your husband or wife possesses.
I can promise you that it will be a whole lot more pleasant and productive exercise if you do.
The second key is to demonstrate to your spouse that you appreciate them.
You can't just think your way back into finding love.
You have to show your spouse that you appreciate and care for them.
Telling them is a great way to start.
How will they know unless they hear it from you? Words have the power to bring healing or inflict harm.
One note of caution here - be sincere and to the point.
People can usually tell if we are laying it on thick, or telling the truth.
And, when you are using your words to show your appreciation keep it short.
Less is definitely more The third and final key is to let your actions speak louder than your words in telling your spouse that you appreciate them.
Words are nice, but actions tend to give your words more power.
It's like the old saying, "what you do speaks so loudly that I can't hear what you say.
" "Speaking" his or her love language with your actions tells your spouse that you really mean what you say.
Why not tell your spouse that you appreciate what they do so much that you want to give them a well deserved break.
Then follow that with some action.
Things like doing the grocery shopping, cooking dinner, or washing the dishes when it is usually your other half that does those jobs sends a clear message: you love and appreciate your spouse.
Keep in mind that you are doing this even when you don't feel like it.
That really comes through and can create love even in the coldest of hearts.
Now you know three keys on how to find love again in your marriage.
You can certainly find other ways to get rekindle romance in your marriage, but it all starts with these basic principles that we all tend to neglect as time goes by in our relationships.
So DON'T forget to practice these three keys.
Change the way you think and appreciate what you have in your spouse.
Tell your spouse that you appreciate them.
And show them everyday that you do.