Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Changing Your Diet Can Heal The Body Of Cancer And Here Are The Reasons Why

For someone newly diagnosed with cancer the first change they should make is with their diet. The food we eat has a huge influence why anyone gets cancer so doesn't it make sense to make this important change. Our diets have changed over the last 40 to 50 years yet prior to that it hadn't changed for thousands of years and diet is the major reason why there is so much cancer today.

Most people believe that cancer is a matter of fate or bad luck, not the result of something they did. Unfortunately this is not so, it is a self caused disease, we have caused it ourselves and the most effective way to overcome it is to remove those causes. These are all well known, but unfortunately it's not usually by the people we first turn to, to help us with our problem.

Our food we eat everyday is our medicine that we take to keep us healthy, it keeps us     free of diseases such as cancer. It keeps our immune system strong and cancer is simply a disease of the immune system or more correctly a disease of a weak immune system. The ability of the immune system to successfully prevent or reverse cancer is directly dependent on your diet. That's why a change to your diet is so important for any cancer patient.

The correct food for human beings is and has always been freshly grown fruit and vegetables but the food we eat these days is so processed that our meals are nutritional deprived. Any food item that's been processed has lost its nutritional value and that is the main reason why cancer has become an epidemic in the industrialized world today.

Unfortunately the people who are in charge of our mainstream medical system are not trained in nutrition or why the food we eat is related to many of the diseases we now get. What we don't realize is, our body strives to heal itself automatically every single day, what you need to do to assist it is to remove the barriers that's been stopping it from healing and you can only do that with the food you choose to eat.

By changing your diet to fresh food you are strengthening the body, that is the immune system and it's this repair system which we all have, will remove the cancer without it ever returning or spreading. It's a much safer and more effective way to deal with the problem and works with all cancers no matter where they appear in the body.

It's only been in the last few years' research into food and how it's related to cancer. What has been discovered are many of our natural foods which are freshly grown fruit and vegetables contain compounds; collectively called phytochemicals which are in these plants for their protection against predators and diseases and these same phytochemicals also have cancer fighting properties.

 The most powerful weapon against cancer is the food we choose to eat everyday and there is no substitute for eating a healthy unprocessed diet. Remember your body can heal itself with the aid of a strong immune system. I'm an advocate of the Gerson diet and their therapy which uses natural organic food as medicine and has cured thousands of cancer patients and there are many testimonials to prove this.
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