Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Hemorrhoids Causes, Symptoms And Natural Treatments


Many people are bothered by hemorrhoids. According to a report, almost 50% of the U.S. population has hemorrhoids by age 50. Hemorrhoid refers to a condition that occurs when veins around the anus (i.e. external hemorrhoid) or just inside the anus (i.e. internal hemorrhoid) become swollen and inflamed. Generally just irritating is not dangerous but sometimes they can become infected or lose blood heavily, then they are very dangerous.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

It is exactly not known that why hemorrhoids enlarge. There are several theories about the cause of hemorrhoids, such as insufficient intake of fiber, sitting in the toilet for hours, and chronic spraining to have a bowel movement. Pregnancy is an unambiguous cause of enlarged hemorrhoids. Tumor in the pelvis also causes swelling of hemorrhoids by pressing on veins strenuous upwards from the anal passage. The pulling force of hard stool passing through the anal passage is also a cause of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids can cause several symptoms. Hemorrhoids can cause itching, rectal blood loss, and pain that can sometimes be rigorous. The usual symptom of internal hemorrhoids is rectal blood loss. Internal hemorrhoids can sometimes swell outside of the anus, hardly ever leading to the formation of a blood lump. External hemorrhoids are more often connected with pain, itch and bleed.

Natural treatments of hemorrhoids:

Pilesgon capsules are the best natural product that is purely composed of natural ingredients such as Sodii Biboras (Shudh Takan), Bryophyllum Calycinum (Hemsagar), Eupatorium Ayapana (Ayapana), Sapindus Mukorossi (Ritha), Daemonorops draco Blume (Khun Shosha), Wrightia Tinctoria (Indrajau), Acacia Catechu (Kttha), Vernonia Anthelmintica (Kalijiri), Extractum Berberis (Rasaunt), etc.

All these ingredients of Pilesgon capsules are very beneficial for treatment of hemorrhoids. Along with this natural treatment you should use some other natural and homemade treatment also. You can try these five natural remedies also along with use of Pilesgon capsules.

1. Fiber: There are many ways to get fiber. Start by eating foods high in fiber like whole grains and vegetables. Ground flaxseed and psyllium are another ways. Whatsoever the source of fiber, it is essential to drink enough water.

2. Bioflavonoid: Bioflavonoid is a type of plant compound that is considered to work by stabilizing and spiraling blood vessel walls and by lessening irritation. They are helpful to reduce pain, discomfort, and anal discharge during hemorrhoid attack.

3. Witch Hazel Compress: Witch hazel is made from the leaves and woof of Hamamelis virginiana. This drug amass staple is considered to reduce the bleeding of hemorrhoids by acting as an acerbic. It may also relieve pain, itching and swelling related with hemorrhoids.

4. Butcher's Broom: The plant butcher's broom is also known as box holly, knee holly, and sweet broom. Butcher's broom has a very long history of conventional use for hemorrhoids. It is usually used when there is causal poor circulation in the veins. Butcher's broom should not be used by people with high blood pressure and by pregnant women.

5. Horse Chestnut: The herb horse chestnut (i.e. Aesculus hippocastanum), is also often suggested when there is poor circulation in the veins. Horse. People with a reaction to the horse chestnut family, bleeding disorders, or people taking blood thinners should not use horse chestnut.

All these natural treatment should be used with the regular use of Pilesgon capsules.
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