Most individuals in America are fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
That isn't reflected because neither of the two major political parties reflect these ideas.
This is why we're split 50/50 as a country.
If we choose the lesser of two evils then we find something we like about one party and hate the other party.
All fiscally conservative and socially liberal really means is free.
Not freedom to tell other people how to live or freedom to take their money, but freedom to live your life how you see fit.
Republicans and Democrats care most about beating Republicans and Democrats.
That's great for them, because they get in power, but we become less free.
What does it mean to be Socially liberal? I read a recent article that insulted social liberalism because, "You can't be fiscally conservative and want to pay for social programs.
" The last time I checked it didn't cost anything to believe people can live however they want.
It's free to think the government shouldn't be involved in marrying people.
It's free to think that the war on drugs is a waste of money because you can't make laws protecting people from themselves.
It's free to think it's not America's job to police the world.
I'm socially liberal not because I care what you do with your life.
I'm socially liberal because if I tell you how to live, then you can tell me how to live.
What does it mean to be fiscally conservative? Fiscal conservatism is a basic concept that we all understand in our individual lives.
That means I must produce more than I consume.
If I would like to buy something, I have two options.
I can purchase the product or I can steal it.
Now if I steal it, I face the consequences.
The difference is if I have the government steal it it's called a law.
The bad news is that if I just steal an item then I actually have the item.
If the government steals a product, someone is punished and I don't benefit.
Ask yourself, how has the government ever helped me by raising taxes on another person? Do I benefit? Does the government send me the money that they took.
The truth is people will give you $20 if you ask the right way.
If you prove to be a friend, do something worthwhile to prove you will pay it back, or work for an amount of time to make $20.
What people don't like is for you to walk up with a gun and say, "Give me $20.
" So, the state of the union is this: Where do we go from here? It doesn't matter how we got here.
It only matters where we're going.
If we believe our principles are to proceed as fiscally conservative and socially liberal then this is how we proceed: 1) The country is not a church.
I believe this principle is laid out in the bible.
God gives everyone free will.
He also has standards to live by.
So having a free country doesn't mean you have to have a free church.
What better benefit is there than letting people live however they want, and then coming into your religious organization and finding a better way to live? If you truly believe you have a better way to live then you shouldn't have to force your beliefs on people.
2) If we do away with social programs then people will not be dieing in the streets.
How many people help someone in need? How many times in your life have you helped someone or been helped? The reason there is bitterness in this country is because I give $20 to John, and he says he's going to help you.
He pockets $19 and give you $1.
Well I'm bitter because I gave $20.
You're bitter because you received $1.
This is how government programs work.
People aren't bitter about helping their neighbors.
They're bitter because if I just gave you $20 then the government doesn't waste $19.
Also, if I see you waste my $20, I don't have to give you another $20.
3) The government can't fix the problem.
The only thing they can do is get out of the way.
In a supply and demand economy, there is no such thing as "bad" companies.
We have soured on corporations because the government is tied into them.
They get special perks and benefits and bailouts.
In a true supply and demand economy you don't have that.
Let's say company A produces a product.
Well let's say Company A makes it to the top of the field.
Let's say that company A begins to overwork it's people and make an inferior product.
Company B can then come in and hire Company A's people and make a superior product.
You see if Company A is only worried about higher profits then they will lose.
The best overall company wins in a supply and demand economy.
The only thing a worker must do is constantly evolve and make sure they are supplying a skill that is in demand.
There are multiple parties who are fighting to rise up.
I am a libertarian.
It is the most viable option.
It is the leading 3rd party.
If a party rises up other than libertarian that supports these ideals, then I will move to that.
If democrats or republicans move in the direction of socially liberal and fiscally conservative I will support that.
What I will not do is support the lesser of two evils to have a mainstream party affiliation.
I take pride that the majority of Americans, regardless of party, feel this way with regards to social liberalism and fiscal conservatism.
It is the most free society to live in.
We have the opportunity to get it more right than anyone in the history of this country.
Even our founding fathers messed up.
They saw women as second class citizens.
They saw black people as 3/5 of a person.
We have an opportunity to live in the freest nation ever created on God's earth, but we must move in a socially liberal, fiscally conservative direction.
That isn't reflected because neither of the two major political parties reflect these ideas.
This is why we're split 50/50 as a country.
If we choose the lesser of two evils then we find something we like about one party and hate the other party.
All fiscally conservative and socially liberal really means is free.
Not freedom to tell other people how to live or freedom to take their money, but freedom to live your life how you see fit.
Republicans and Democrats care most about beating Republicans and Democrats.
That's great for them, because they get in power, but we become less free.
What does it mean to be Socially liberal? I read a recent article that insulted social liberalism because, "You can't be fiscally conservative and want to pay for social programs.
" The last time I checked it didn't cost anything to believe people can live however they want.
It's free to think the government shouldn't be involved in marrying people.
It's free to think that the war on drugs is a waste of money because you can't make laws protecting people from themselves.
It's free to think it's not America's job to police the world.
I'm socially liberal not because I care what you do with your life.
I'm socially liberal because if I tell you how to live, then you can tell me how to live.
What does it mean to be fiscally conservative? Fiscal conservatism is a basic concept that we all understand in our individual lives.
That means I must produce more than I consume.
If I would like to buy something, I have two options.
I can purchase the product or I can steal it.
Now if I steal it, I face the consequences.
The difference is if I have the government steal it it's called a law.
The bad news is that if I just steal an item then I actually have the item.
If the government steals a product, someone is punished and I don't benefit.
Ask yourself, how has the government ever helped me by raising taxes on another person? Do I benefit? Does the government send me the money that they took.
The truth is people will give you $20 if you ask the right way.
If you prove to be a friend, do something worthwhile to prove you will pay it back, or work for an amount of time to make $20.
What people don't like is for you to walk up with a gun and say, "Give me $20.
" So, the state of the union is this: Where do we go from here? It doesn't matter how we got here.
It only matters where we're going.
If we believe our principles are to proceed as fiscally conservative and socially liberal then this is how we proceed: 1) The country is not a church.
I believe this principle is laid out in the bible.
God gives everyone free will.
He also has standards to live by.
So having a free country doesn't mean you have to have a free church.
What better benefit is there than letting people live however they want, and then coming into your religious organization and finding a better way to live? If you truly believe you have a better way to live then you shouldn't have to force your beliefs on people.
2) If we do away with social programs then people will not be dieing in the streets.
How many people help someone in need? How many times in your life have you helped someone or been helped? The reason there is bitterness in this country is because I give $20 to John, and he says he's going to help you.
He pockets $19 and give you $1.
Well I'm bitter because I gave $20.
You're bitter because you received $1.
This is how government programs work.
People aren't bitter about helping their neighbors.
They're bitter because if I just gave you $20 then the government doesn't waste $19.
Also, if I see you waste my $20, I don't have to give you another $20.
3) The government can't fix the problem.
The only thing they can do is get out of the way.
In a supply and demand economy, there is no such thing as "bad" companies.
We have soured on corporations because the government is tied into them.
They get special perks and benefits and bailouts.
In a true supply and demand economy you don't have that.
Let's say company A produces a product.
Well let's say Company A makes it to the top of the field.
Let's say that company A begins to overwork it's people and make an inferior product.
Company B can then come in and hire Company A's people and make a superior product.
You see if Company A is only worried about higher profits then they will lose.
The best overall company wins in a supply and demand economy.
The only thing a worker must do is constantly evolve and make sure they are supplying a skill that is in demand.
There are multiple parties who are fighting to rise up.
I am a libertarian.
It is the most viable option.
It is the leading 3rd party.
If a party rises up other than libertarian that supports these ideals, then I will move to that.
If democrats or republicans move in the direction of socially liberal and fiscally conservative I will support that.
What I will not do is support the lesser of two evils to have a mainstream party affiliation.
I take pride that the majority of Americans, regardless of party, feel this way with regards to social liberalism and fiscal conservatism.
It is the most free society to live in.
We have the opportunity to get it more right than anyone in the history of this country.
Even our founding fathers messed up.
They saw women as second class citizens.
They saw black people as 3/5 of a person.
We have an opportunity to live in the freest nation ever created on God's earth, but we must move in a socially liberal, fiscally conservative direction.