- Several types of sanitary pads or napkins are available for use during menstruation or periods. Many sanitary pads on the market offer various ranges of absorbencies, sizes and features, and understanding the differences between them can help women choose the best option for their needs.
- The panty liner is the lightest of all sanitary pads. They're usually worn as back-up protection for a tampon, or to absorb general vaginal discharge. They are also sometimes worn to protect against menstrual spotting between periods.
- The Ultra-Thin pad is a very lightweight, super-thin pad. Most brands that offer ultra-thins claim market them to be as absorbent as regular sanitary pads, but less bulky. Other brands are designed for women who have light periods. Ultra-thin pads come in different lengths, including short, similar to a panty liner, and long, similar to a night pad.
- The regular pad offers a middle-range of absorbency and size. It's made for use by the majority of women, or for those who don't have excessively heavy or excessively light periods.
- The Super Maxi, sometimes marketed as a nighttime pad, is designed to absorb more than regular pads. They are also usually longer, so that the wearer is protected while lying down to sleep.
- The maternity pad is often a little longer than a super maxi/night pad, and is designed to absorb bleeding that may occur after childbirth.
Panty Liner
Ultra-Thin Pad
Regular Pad
Super Maxi or Night Pad
Maternity Pad