Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Is Sex During Pregnancy Safe?

In the olden days, sex during pregnancy was a taboo.
But one thing is sure, expectant mothers are sexual beings and sex is important and natural part of pregnancy and also a wonderful way for couples to remain intimate during pregnancy.
That a woman is pregnant does not make her look sexy in the sight of her husband though there may be that fear and worry from both sides, fear that sex may cause harm to the baby or even cause miscarriage.
For a normal pregnancy, sex is very much safe and needed more especially at the last weeks of pregnancy for it helps to reduce the risk of delivery of the baby too early.
Let us be frank, as your husband needs and finds you sexy so do you feel same about him, so why shying away from that, why not share your feelings and together and jeep the candle of love that brought you together burning and enjoy yourselves sexually with any position you feel is comfortable for both of you while the baby grows.
For sex during pregnancy, it is very much safe and acceptable, it is high time couples came out of that fear that the baby may be hurt, if there is no complication of any kind, go ahead and enjoy yourselves for sex will by no means harm your baby.
Your baby is in a secluded place and is protected by the amniotic sac and also your abdomen.
No infection will affect your baby for the mucus plug that closes the opening of your cervix helps to avoid any kind of infection.
The only approval you need is from your health care provider, as far as he or she approves it, go ahead and have your sexual intercourse until your due date for you may be asked to even have sex then so as to help natural labour to take place.
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