- 1). Mark out two rectangles on the fabric, measuring about three by four inches. Make even marks using a ruler. Keep in mind that the size of the bow tie decreases in the sewing process due to seam allowances. Mark out a third rectangle that measures about two by three inches. Cut out all three rectangles.
- 2). Place one of the larger rectangles right side up on a flat, even surface. Place the second larger rectangle right side down, on top of the first rectangle. Sew around the perimeter of the two rectangles using 1/4 inch seam allowance, leaving one short side open. Turn the rectangle pocket right side out using this open side. Push out all of the corners of the rectangle. Fold in 1/4 inch of fabric on the open side and sew along the length to close the rectangle.
- 3). Place the smaller rectangle face down on an even surface. Fold over about 1/4 inch of fabric on each long side of the rectangle and pin into place to hide the raw edges from view. Sew along both long edges using a sewing machine.
- 4). Place the large rectangle on a flat surface with the long sides horizontally facing you. Grab the center of the bow tie lengthwise and squish the center slightly. Place the smaller rectangle face up over the scrunched center of the bow tie. Wrap around the bow tie using the length of the rectangle to cover the center, and placing the two ends of the rectangles at the back of the bow.
- 5). Flip the bow tie over quickly and pinch the small rectangle ends in place at the back of the bow tie. This small rectangle should hold the hourglass shape of the bow tie securely. Run the two ends of the smaller rectangle through the sewing machine to secure in place.
- 6). Cut a piece of ribbon measuring about one foot long. Push the end of the ribbon through the back loop of the bow tie and feed half of the ribbon through. Use the ribbon to attach the tiny bow tie as an ornament or as a piece of clothing.