The human body is built in a most spectacular way.
Operating as a fine tuned machine that runs very well for a lot of years.
Even with years of abusing our bodies with lack of exercise, poor eating habits, and yes, even with years of smoking cigarettes, our bodies are made in a way that we can recover.
The American Heart Association reports that smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature deaths in the United States.
The sooner in life that you quit smoking, the better.
You decrease your chances for developing smoking-related diseases like, heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and or cancer.
Other medical conditions that could occur are, impotence, fertility problems, gum disease, tooth loss and osteoporosis.
According to The Center For Disease Control and Prevention, If you started smoking when you were a teen, and you quit before the age of 35, your life expectancy will only be slightly lower than that of a nonsmoker.
Miraculous things begin to happen to you and your body after you smoke that last cigarette.
You will begin to regain your health and restore your heart and lungs.
In fact, did you know that within the first 30 minutes, your blood will return back to normal.
Within 2 days, all nicotine will have left your body.
Your sense of taste and smell will start to come back.
After you smoke your last cigarette, within 3 days, your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy should improve.
After 1 year of not smoking, you have lowered your risk of having a heart attack by 50%.
By continuing to be smoke-free, your lungs will heal itself.
This is a great time to start a fitness or regular exercise program.
Most people agree that kicking the habit, can be a challenge.
When you leave cigarettes behind, you become a different person.
You will not have to stop what you are doing because you need a smoke break.
The best part of all, in all probability, you have extended your life.
Operating as a fine tuned machine that runs very well for a lot of years.
Even with years of abusing our bodies with lack of exercise, poor eating habits, and yes, even with years of smoking cigarettes, our bodies are made in a way that we can recover.
The American Heart Association reports that smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature deaths in the United States.
The sooner in life that you quit smoking, the better.
You decrease your chances for developing smoking-related diseases like, heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, and or cancer.
Other medical conditions that could occur are, impotence, fertility problems, gum disease, tooth loss and osteoporosis.
According to The Center For Disease Control and Prevention, If you started smoking when you were a teen, and you quit before the age of 35, your life expectancy will only be slightly lower than that of a nonsmoker.
Miraculous things begin to happen to you and your body after you smoke that last cigarette.
You will begin to regain your health and restore your heart and lungs.
In fact, did you know that within the first 30 minutes, your blood will return back to normal.
Within 2 days, all nicotine will have left your body.
Your sense of taste and smell will start to come back.
After you smoke your last cigarette, within 3 days, your bronchial tubes will relax, and your energy should improve.
After 1 year of not smoking, you have lowered your risk of having a heart attack by 50%.
By continuing to be smoke-free, your lungs will heal itself.
This is a great time to start a fitness or regular exercise program.
Most people agree that kicking the habit, can be a challenge.
When you leave cigarettes behind, you become a different person.
You will not have to stop what you are doing because you need a smoke break.
The best part of all, in all probability, you have extended your life.