Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Christian Affair - 4 Things You Can Do To Heal

Are you trying to heal from a Christian affair in your marriage? There are ways you can survive this infidelity and once again have a strong and happy marriage. If you and your spouse work hard, you both can be very happy again and have an even stronger marriage than you did before the Christian affair. Remember, don't only rely on your own, compassion, wisdom, strength and ability but lean on God and let Him help you to do all of that and more.

Forgiveness is about you and not about your spouse.

Forgiveness is about the choice of letting go of your anger, hatred, bitterness and resentment that you have toward your spouse. Forgiveness is about letting go of the feelings you have about getting even, punishing and revenge you have about the Christian affair involving your spouse and the other person.

Forgiveness doesn't mean that you won't ever think about the Christian affair again but it does mean is that you are going to make the conscious decision to not think about it in a destructive way from now on. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you have to blindly trust your spouse either. Trust has nothing to do with forgiveness. Your spouse has to gain your trust back and prove they are worthy of your trust. Forgiveness is something you freely give and doesn't have to be earned.

Find support and encouragement.

When I was healing from the Christian affair, I found it very encouraging to join in on the Internet forums, message boards and email groups about infidelity. I found a lot of help and support there from others going through the exact same thing I was going through. This helped me tremendously.

Know that is takes years to heal.

A Christian affair doesn't just go away overnight. It literally takes years to heal from infidelity and during that time it takes a lot of hard work. You can't expect to just let time pass you by and, poof, you're healed. It takes time AND it takes hard work.

Using daily devotions.

I really leaned on my daily devotions to guide me through the healing process of the Christian affair. Without my daily devotions I would have been lost. I would strong urge you to find some devotions that are just for betrayed spouses so that you can draw closer to God and He can help heal your broken heart and wounded spirit. Daily devotions will bring you comfort and peace when nothing else can.
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