From the Oracle of the Nobel Birch we learn that: Opposites always begat a third.
Into the world shineth the triad over which the monad rules.
From this premise comes the 3-headed God and the Triple Goddess.
The Celts revered Brigid (Brigit) in her triplicate sister form of poet, smithy and doctor.
Her opposite personalities were believed to form the third personality, making her someone of multiple talents overseen by God.
Her male counterpart, Lugh, was also a god of three aspects.
The Batavians had triple goddesses known as Matrones whose skills included healing, dealing out justice and leading war (as did Brigid).
They were similar to the Norman Fate Goddesses as well as the Morriggan, another Celtic (Irish) Triad Goddess.
The Hindu religion worships Kali and Maya-triple Goddesses of creation, preservation and destruction.
The Greeks had Hecate who was known as Trivium (where three roads meet) personifying the triple goddess.
The Greeks also claimed the Moirae, or the Fates, very powerful goddesses and the Graeae, three who shared one eye and tooth.
The triple goddesses of time, Urd, Verdandi and Skuld were prevalent in the Norse culture.
The Gorgons were three snake haired sisters and were similar in nature to the Greek spirits, The Furies, who shared characteristic snake hair.
From the Sami mythology we find Sahrahkka, Juksahkka and Uksahkka and Shakespeare wrote of the Wyrd Sisters.
Nearly every ancient culture had Triad Gods and Goddess.
Today we find The Holy Trinity (God, Son, and Holy Spirit) prevalent in some religions.
The Wiccan religion speaks of Maid, Mother, and Crone.
Of course many of the religions like Buddhist and Hindu continue to connect with their ancient triple gods and goddesses.
So how does the Oracle of the Nobel Birch and all of the triplicate deity relate? To examine this, let's look at the Yin/Yang symbol.
While frequently depicted as 2 dimensional art that looks balanced, in fact the Yin/Yang symbol is a living breathing state of being that is ever moving and never truly in balance, it is in flow at all times.
When one side begins to overtake the other, it begins to take on another face (look).
This side may continue until it almost looks like a different symbol.
At that moment a spark happens and the smaller side then begins to gain momentum and it again takes on another face.
The two faces are ever creating something different from themselves, but yet they remain.
Opposites and opposition always began a third (thing/face etc).
All of the triple aspects of the gods and goddesses are based on this premise-that to create something bigger and better it's take two and then the third comes into being creating a strong foundation of the triangle.
That's also why the number 3 is considered magical.
Into the world shineth the triad over which the monad rules.
The God Head (monad) is the main face of origin, but the three aspects are what are manifested for us to see and work with.
Into the world shineth the triad over which the monad rules.
From this premise comes the 3-headed God and the Triple Goddess.
The Celts revered Brigid (Brigit) in her triplicate sister form of poet, smithy and doctor.
Her opposite personalities were believed to form the third personality, making her someone of multiple talents overseen by God.
Her male counterpart, Lugh, was also a god of three aspects.
The Batavians had triple goddesses known as Matrones whose skills included healing, dealing out justice and leading war (as did Brigid).
They were similar to the Norman Fate Goddesses as well as the Morriggan, another Celtic (Irish) Triad Goddess.
The Hindu religion worships Kali and Maya-triple Goddesses of creation, preservation and destruction.
The Greeks had Hecate who was known as Trivium (where three roads meet) personifying the triple goddess.
The Greeks also claimed the Moirae, or the Fates, very powerful goddesses and the Graeae, three who shared one eye and tooth.
The triple goddesses of time, Urd, Verdandi and Skuld were prevalent in the Norse culture.
The Gorgons were three snake haired sisters and were similar in nature to the Greek spirits, The Furies, who shared characteristic snake hair.
From the Sami mythology we find Sahrahkka, Juksahkka and Uksahkka and Shakespeare wrote of the Wyrd Sisters.
Nearly every ancient culture had Triad Gods and Goddess.
Today we find The Holy Trinity (God, Son, and Holy Spirit) prevalent in some religions.
The Wiccan religion speaks of Maid, Mother, and Crone.
Of course many of the religions like Buddhist and Hindu continue to connect with their ancient triple gods and goddesses.
So how does the Oracle of the Nobel Birch and all of the triplicate deity relate? To examine this, let's look at the Yin/Yang symbol.
While frequently depicted as 2 dimensional art that looks balanced, in fact the Yin/Yang symbol is a living breathing state of being that is ever moving and never truly in balance, it is in flow at all times.
When one side begins to overtake the other, it begins to take on another face (look).
This side may continue until it almost looks like a different symbol.
At that moment a spark happens and the smaller side then begins to gain momentum and it again takes on another face.
The two faces are ever creating something different from themselves, but yet they remain.
Opposites and opposition always began a third (thing/face etc).
All of the triple aspects of the gods and goddesses are based on this premise-that to create something bigger and better it's take two and then the third comes into being creating a strong foundation of the triangle.
That's also why the number 3 is considered magical.
Into the world shineth the triad over which the monad rules.
The God Head (monad) is the main face of origin, but the three aspects are what are manifested for us to see and work with.