Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Tell That Love Is Genuine

Well to be honest, you can never be 100% sure, the other person may think they are in love and when the gloss wears off, they can revert back to their old self.
This is not a deliberate lie, everybody wants to put their best side forward when they first get together, so how can you be sure it is the right choice for you.
True love is when two people have chemistry between each other, it can be apart of three different plans of attraction, the physical, the spiritual and the intellectual, dopamine can be produced in the brain and the sparks can begin to fly, the pheromones can cause a strong attraction.
Dopamine can be a bit like adrenalin, it increases our ability to experience pleasure and pain, they say that this extra production is a part of the psychological condition called love.
Nobody wants to cure this condition and in fact if you both make an agreement to court each other forever then you may never lose your love.
So how to tell if love is genuine and also help keep it alive, Do you play love songs to each other, this helps those chemicals to reproduce themselves, do you wonder how the other person is and send them messages, by texting in an email or on the phone or SMS.
Leave little notes for each of you too discover, do you tell each other, I love you often, starting to presume the other person knows this is not a good, sign or even if one of you says there is no need to tell me all the time.
Familiarity breeds contempt, they say.
So any pushing away makes the relationship feel strained.
Do you wear his of her favourite perfume or after shave.
Do your eyes meet and show that twinkle in them.
Do you keep doing those little things for each other will help keep that psychological condition called love going stronger, year after year.
People often tell me about those wonderful days of courtship, with a smile on their faces, why stop having that journey, it can continue for as long as you both want it too.
What ever your chemistry is with your partner, it can either grow or disappear over time and how you nurture it, will decide on what kind of relationship you have.
Good luck and remember to cherish your love for ever.
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