Pets & Animal: Dog & Breed Specific Diseases

Dog & Breed Specific Diseases

Dogs, like humans, can be genetically prone to certain diseases. And like their human counterparts, it's not possible to predict whether any genetic abnormalities will be passed onto the dog before it is born or even after it begins developing. In many instances, an owner may not even know there is

Pets & Animal: Eye Problems With Pugs

Eye Problems With Pugs

The Pug is one of the oldest dog breeds and its history can be traced back to around 400 B.C. Originally bred in Asia, this small dog has a become a popular pet around the world. The Pug is characterized by its wrinkly, short-muzzled face, compact form and curly tail. This breed can have a variety o

Pets & Animal: Top 5 Dog Training Tips For Puppies

Top 5 Dog Training Tips For Puppies

So you have a brand new puppy. Congratulations! I bet you are too excited to share your world with your new found friend. Puppies can surely make any household livelier and homier but they could become a really big pain in the backside if you do not train them.

Pets & Animal: Preventing Tartar Build-Up on Your Dog

Preventing Tartar Build-Up on Your Dog

We learn at an early age that it is very important to properly clean our teeth. What many of us do not learn is just how important it is to take care of your dog's teeth as well. This article shares a few of the most important things you need to start doing to prevent tartar build-up in your do

Pets & Animal: Bulldog Puppy Names

Bulldog Puppy Names

Naming a bulldog puppy should be both fun and intelligent. Remember that puppies will eventually be dogs and their names must be able to endure the transition. What is cute for a puppy may be inappropriate for an adult dog. Keeping the name simple will allow for easier calling of the dog...

Pets & Animal: How Can I Make Dog Clothes Fast?

How Can I Make Dog Clothes Fast?

Buying a sweater for your dog can be just as costly as buying one for yourself. You could knit or crochet one for yourself or your dog. An easier and less expensive way is to remodel sweaters you no longer use or purchase suitable ones from a thrift store. With a little redesigning and reshaping, ch

Pets & Animal: Crate Dog Training - Helping Your Dog to Feel Comfortable

Crate Dog Training - Helping Your Dog to Feel Comfortable

When you are a dog breeder, or you show dogs on a regular basis whether for beauty or obedience, you have to take crate dog training into consideration.Even if your dog is just a companion for you and/or your family, he should learn to be able to understand the crate, and to accept it as a fact of l

Pets & Animal: Considering the Wolf Pack Instinct - Dog Training

Considering the Wolf Pack Instinct - Dog Training

From the largest Mastiff to the smallest Chihuahua, therein beats the heart of a wolf. Hundreds of generations of wolf logic, tradition, and instinct are imbedded deep in his daily behavioral subroutines. To the human eye though, many of these are mistaken as human-like in thinking and action.

Pets & Animal: Dectomax to Treat Dog Mange

Dectomax to Treat Dog Mange

Mange is a serious skin disorder that strikes dogs, cats, cattle, pigs and even humans. Although the cause is the same, every species has a unique, appropriate treatment. Dectomax is a treatment for mange in livestock, but it is not designed or recommended for dogs.

Pets & Animal: What to Check While Selecting Your First Puppy

What to Check While Selecting Your First Puppy

We have already discussed the pre-requisites that you should have before you decide to go for a pet dog. Now once you have decided the breed, we will discuss the things you should check in a puppy before selecting it.

Pets & Animal: Leaf Spot Treatments for Gardenias

Leaf Spot Treatments for Gardenias

Gardenias, or Gardenia jasminoides, are broadleaf evergreen shrubs that bear glossy, deep green leaves and white waxy flowers with a strong, intoxicating fragrance. Winter hardy in USDA Zones 8 to 11, gardenias are a common landscaping plant in southern areas of the United States. Gardeners in areas

Pets & Animal: Midwest Dog Crates - Only The Best For Your Best Friend

Midwest Dog Crates - Only The Best For Your Best Friend

Midwest dog crates will offer years of safety, security and peace of mind for both you and your best friend. There are many features and options you can get; if you need help deciding just keep reading...

Pets & Animal: How to Stop Hair Shedding in a Dog

How to Stop Hair Shedding in a Dog

Shedding is a natural way for dogs to lose old hair and make room for new growth. This normal process, however, can be quite frustrating when the hair is all over the floor, furniture and you. Unfortunately, there is no way to completely stop a dog from shedding. However, there are methods you can u

Pets & Animal: Lost Dogs and Recovery

Lost Dogs and Recovery

Do you really know what to do when your dog goes missing? Do you know that having fliers is the most effective method of dog recovery?This article is full of information that you may not be aware of that can help you to find your pet.

Pets & Animal: Four Big Tasty Reasons You Should Feed Your Dog Organic Dog Food

Four Big Tasty Reasons You Should Feed Your Dog Organic Dog Food

You've no doubt heard of or may be even experienced the benefits that organic food can have on our health, so do these benefits extend to the well being of your dog? Organic dog food can be considerably more expensive than regular dog food, so is this price difference justified?

Pets & Animal: How to Give a Yorkie a Top Knot

How to Give a Yorkie a Top Knot

Yorkies, or Yorkshire terriers, are known for their bright personalities and spunky natures. Yorkies are a toy breed, which means they generally remain quite small and are often raised to be lap dogs. The long hair can grow to the floor or even longer, and if you choose to let your Yorkie's hair gro