Health & Medical: The Dangers Of Prescription Sleep Aids

The Dangers Of Prescription Sleep Aids

Nearly all people suffer from the inability to fall and stay asleep at some time in their lives. It has been estimated that three-fourths of people suffer from sleeplessness on a regular basis for a long period of time, at least three months. Sometimes people have no problem falling or staying aslee

Health & Medical: 7 Shoe Inserts to Banish Foot Pain

7 Shoe Inserts to Banish Foot Pain

Not every athlete needs an insert, but if you are prone to overuse injuries, or have foot, knee or back pain or instability, you may benefit from one.

Health & Medical: Poison Ivy is not just in Batman

Poison Ivy is not just in Batman

The truth is no one is safe when poison ivy is around so let's start off with a little plant biology. This is a type of vine and it's well know because it produces urushoil. ...

Health & Medical: Pros of Genetically Modified Crops

Pros of Genetically Modified Crops

Genetically modified crops generate considerable controversy, especially in parts of the world like Europe, where some countries have banned GM foods. However, many US farmers grow GM food. As of 2010, Time Magazine reports that more than 90 percent of soybeans grown in the US are genetically modifi

Health & Medical: Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health

Why Modern Medicine is the Greatest Threat to Health

It is assumed that America has the most advanced and beneficial health care system in the world.In actual fact, the greatest single risk to life is medical intervention.Adverse drug reactions and medical errors in hospitals and doctors offices kills more than 500,000 people each year.Although this d

Health & Medical: How To Cure Eczema By Using Natural Treatment

How To Cure Eczema By Using Natural Treatment

The food that you eat everyday maintain your body functioning and are fundamental in the healing process. What you eat can very well determine the severity of your skin problem and the frequency of flare-ups. Thankfully, what I learned is that changing some eating habits was a good part of eliminati

Health & Medical: Understanding Deep Tissue Injury

Understanding Deep Tissue Injury

A deep tissue injury (DTI) is commonly mistaken for a stage 1 pressure ulcer or a bruise. This is a serious error and can have a profound impact on patient outcomes, liability, and reimbursement.

Health & Medical: How To Get Rid Of Eczema

How To Get Rid Of Eczema

Getting rid of eczema in a natural way is much easier and more effective as there are no chances of side effects in the natural remedies.

Health & Medical: Overview of Clinical Research Services

Overview of Clinical Research Services

Clinical research is a medical science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices and diagnostics intended for human use. New medicine's invention and development of improved treatments has enhanced the need for large ...

Health & Medical: Colostomy Info

Colostomy Info

A Colostomy is a surgical procedure that bypasses the intestinal tract therefore producing an alternate track for Bowell movements. This is required when there is disease or damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Health & Medical: The Importance Of California Drug Treatment For An Addict

The Importance Of California Drug Treatment For An Addict

Drugs can be very harmful not only to the personal health of the addict but also to their family life and that is the reason why California drug treatment is so important for them to quit their drug addiction.

Health & Medical: Do You Have An Athletes Foot? - A Complete Review.

Do You Have An Athletes Foot? - A Complete Review.

Not too long ago I found that my feet were quite itchy. There was some kind of redness in the creases between the toes. At times, in the middle of the day I felt like taking off my shoes and socks, ju

Health & Medical: Get Natural Amenorrhea Treatment

Get Natural Amenorrhea Treatment

Amenorrhea is a kind of disease characterized by the absence of a menstrual period in a woman under reproductive age. The physiological symptoms of amenorrhea are visible during pregnancy and lactatio

Health & Medical: Have Your Lasik Eye Surgery Done With Care

Have Your Lasik Eye Surgery Done With Care

Vision is one of the finest gifts to man. However, when problems do crop up, they can reduce or retard one's power of sight. These problems include aging, genetic problems, negligence, injury

Health & Medical: The Potency of Garlic

The Potency of Garlic

As the atmosphere gets more and more polluted, diseases and other health problems will continue to be on the increase. Therefore, for man to fulfill his days here on earth, the issue of relying on natural Herbs cannot be over emphasized.