Law & Legal & Attorney: Issues of Conflict Law

Issues of Conflict Law

Conflict of laws (or private international law) is a set of procedural rules that determines which legal system and which jurisdictions applies to a given dispute. The rules typically apply when a leg

Law & Legal & Attorney: Buying A House? Seek Conveyancing Advice

Buying A House? Seek Conveyancing Advice

Should you have made the decision to purchase or promote a house, then undeniably you are going to need to cope with certain authorized aspects; hence it truly is usually recommended to seek conveyancing solutions, ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: New Research May Affect Whiplash Claims In Future

New Research May Affect Whiplash Claims In Future

Rear-end collisions and resulting whiplash are commonplace in the UK. A driver just has to be travelling too closely to the vehicle in front of them, and all that is needed is for the driver ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Cohabitation Rights In Scotland

Cohabitation Rights In Scotland

Couples who live together, or who are 'cohabiting', enjoy certain legal rights and protection in Scotland. Although some of these have been enforced for years, many new rules were introduced under the Family Law (Scotland) ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Top 10 Bankruptcy Mistakes

Top 10 Bankruptcy Mistakes

Top 10 mistakes commonly made prior to filing bankruptcy.Mistakes in a bankruptcy can be costly and this guide helps you avoid some of the common pitfalls of bankruptcy.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Notice to Thrifty Parents

Notice to Thrifty Parents

With millions of American families trying to tighten the belt on their finances these days, be aware that resold products for children and infants may be dangerous. Oftentimes, when there is a product recall, not every consumer finds out. Currently there is no organized effort among resale stores to

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Are Illinois Grandparents Rights?

What Are Illinois Grandparents Rights?

When determining whether a grandparent is entitled to visitation rights, most states use the best interest of the child standard. While some states use the best interest standard along with other information, the best interest standard is the sole custody standard in 24 states.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Law Firm Lessons From Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson

Law Firm Lessons From Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson

Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. More specifically, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time who happened to be a shooting guard. Can you imagine if they had asked Michael Jordan to spend 3 quarters of every game at center, or point guard? Do you thin

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Does It Mean To Handle Your Divorce Pro Se?

What Does It Mean To Handle Your Divorce Pro Se?

Article describes what it means to handle a divorce case pro se. It lists the pros and cons of such representation and illustrates when such representation may be acceptable.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do a Credit Background Check and Get Much More Than You Bargained For!

Do a Credit Background Check and Get Much More Than You Bargained For!

Why would anyone have to do a credit background check?There are so many reasons that they would be impossible to list.Of course, a big one is if you are renting an apartment or home.Then it is of the utmost importance that your prospective tenant has good credit or you could be hiring an eviction at

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do You Have A Case?

Do You Have A Case?

Many times clients do not know whether they have a case or not. They are looking for an attorney to see whether or not there is a legal basis to proceed against someone who has ...