Law & Legal & Attorney: Texas DWI Laws (Know Your Rights)

Texas DWI Laws (Know Your Rights)

In the State of texas if you are charged with a DWI your license will usually be suspended at the time of arrest.

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Modern Medical Office:Balancing Success, Technology, and HIPAA

The Modern Medical Office:Balancing Success, Technology, and HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has placed strict new requirements on the handling and security of protected health information.Security can be hard to obtain especially for electronic media which can be intercepted many ways.To avoid heavy penalties clinics need to t

Law & Legal & Attorney: A Nursing Home Neglect Attorney Has What it Takes

A Nursing Home Neglect Attorney Has What it Takes

When people were younger they most likely didn't have much responsibility. Their parents took care of everything for them. Once they became older, however, the tables began to turn. In most cases people end up ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Identity Theft In The Internet Era - Safe-Guarding Against Credit Fraud

Identity Theft In The Internet Era - Safe-Guarding Against Credit Fraud

Credit fraud has always existed to some degree, but with the advent of the internet, there has been an unprecedented level of awareness and consumer concern about falling victim toidentity theft. Almost every day 'phishing' emails - which pretend to come from banks - try to extract passwor

Law & Legal & Attorney: Better Training To Reduce Accidents At Work

Better Training To Reduce Accidents At Work

The British Energy group has suggested that consistent training and reward is vital to ensuring fewer major health and safety incidents in the workplace. Despite proclamations from government that the number of overall work related ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Search & Seizure Checklist

Search & Seizure Checklist

Police conducting searches of property may only do so under specific criteria.police image by Horticulture from Fotolia.comThe fourth amendment protects United States citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures of personal property. To satisfy this constitutional right, law...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Accident Attorney: Do You Need One

Accident Attorney: Do You Need One

When we undergo trauma by way of an accident, whether physical, mental, emotional or financial, to yourself or your property, we are entitled to seek compensation from those who are responsible for it. Most people assume that their insurance company will take care of everything for them. They have p

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why It's Vital To Hire a Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Why It's Vital To Hire a Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Come on. Confess. If so, did you struggle with all of the court procedures and consequences? Speeding tickets are a way of life for some people. If this ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Constitution Of The United States - Federalists vs Anti-Federalists

Constitution Of The United States - Federalists vs Anti-Federalists

Argued by many as the oldest living written national constitution, the US constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America and consists of a preamble, seven original arti

Law & Legal & Attorney: Bronx Bankrputcy Attorney Fights For Your Rights

Bronx Bankrputcy Attorney Fights For Your Rights

In the 12-month period that ended March 2012, more than 1.3 million individuals filed for bankruptcy in the U.S., exercising their legal right to have their debts discharged through bankruptcy proceedings. By filing for bankruptcy, ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do You Have A Case?

Do You Have A Case?

Many times clients do not know whether they have a case or not. They are looking for an attorney to see whether or not there is a legal basis to proceed against someone who has ...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do a Credit Background Check and Get Much More Than You Bargained For!

Do a Credit Background Check and Get Much More Than You Bargained For!

Why would anyone have to do a credit background check?There are so many reasons that they would be impossible to list.Of course, a big one is if you are renting an apartment or home.Then it is of the utmost importance that your prospective tenant has good credit or you could be hiring an eviction at