Insurance: Autism - Thoughts About Insuring Your Child's Treatment

Autism - Thoughts About Insuring Your Child's Treatment

It is possible to get health insurance coverage for your autistic child. Getting a diagnosis of autism can be crushing to the spirit. Even after you calm your emotions, the task of seeking good treatments for your child can seem like a herculean task. Even more so, the task of ensuring that your chi

Insurance: How To Choose Good Health Insurance

How To Choose Good Health Insurance

When selecting a health insurance, certain things need to be considered. Read on to learn how to pick the best plan for you and your family.

Insurance: Senior Health Insurance Plan - Where to Get the Best Rate

Senior Health Insurance Plan - Where to Get the Best Rate

Senior health insurance plans can be both expensive and confusing. What does Medicare cover? Do you need an additional individual health care plan? This article shows you where to get an affordable plan, plus where to get advice so you can get the right plan for your needs.

Insurance: Health Insurance - State-Approved Coverage

Health Insurance - State-Approved Coverage

Whenever you buy health insurance, you have to make sure that you are getting coverage that is applicable in your state of residence. While this typically isn't an issue, shopping online for health insurance can make it a lot more difficult for people to get the right coverage if they are not c

Insurance: The Difference Between POS & HMO Health Insurance

The Difference Between POS & HMO Health Insurance

A POS (Point of Service) and a HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) are two of the three managed health care plans available in the United States, with a PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) being the other. Managed health care plans operate under the philosophy of providing quality health care to

Insurance: Affordable Health Insurance - Do You Want to Pay Less? You Can

Affordable Health Insurance - Do You Want to Pay Less? You Can

There are so many suggestions on how you can save on your health insurance but many of them would adversely affect the coverage you get. It is however very possible to get cheap and adequate health insurance coverage if only you know how to go about it. Here are a few ways to achieve it.

Insurance: Should You Shop Around for Affordable Health Insurance Quotes for Your Family?

Should You Shop Around for Affordable Health Insurance Quotes for Your Family?

There is no denying that the economy is in bad state right now, and families are looking for a way to save money anyway they can. Even in good economic times, though, you don't want to pay more for a major budget item like health insurance than you have to. So it only makes sense that you would

Insurance: Low Cost Health Insurance Basics Explained - Why You Need Health Insurance

Low Cost Health Insurance Basics Explained - Why You Need Health Insurance

Many people find they're rarely sick or have never been hospitalized or had any kind of serious illness. This is good but can give one a false sense of security. There is always the possibility of coming down with an appendicitis attack, breaking a leg or getting into a serious auto accident th

Insurance: Preventive Medicine for Your Health

Preventive Medicine for Your Health

The new Health Care Reform law adopted by Congress requires insurance companies to provide complete coverage for preventive medicine. This means that your insurer has to pay for annual check-ups and cancer screenings and cannot charge you a copay or deductible.

Insurance: Health Insurance - Find The Best Insurance At The Cheapest Cost

Health Insurance - Find The Best Insurance At The Cheapest Cost

It is hard to watch the television or read a newspaper today and not know that our country is having a health care crisis. Many people feel that they can not afford insurance and then there are those that feel they are healthy enough to not need Health Insurance. Let's get one thing strait that

Insurance: PT-OT Caps Exception Process Extended to 12-31-2009

PT-OT Caps Exception Process Extended to 12-31-2009

The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 which was passes July 15, 2008 not only stopped the 10.6% pay cut for medical service providers, but also extended the exceptions process of physical therapists and occupational therapists caps.

Insurance: What is the Best Health Insurance Provider?

What is the Best Health Insurance Provider?

Selecting the best health insurance provider depends on your age, health, medical needs, location and finances. There is no single provider that can lay claim to being the best for everyone. However, there are several companies who stand out based on the Health Effective Data and Information Set (HE

Insurance: Medical Billing Process

Medical Billing Process

This article basically explain about Medical billing process. I have listed the important process in Medical billing. Each process is very important. Insurance verification, demo and charge entry process, claim submission, payment posting...

Insurance: Car Accident Injuries and What You Need to Know

Car Accident Injuries and What You Need to Know

When you are in a car accident is can be scary. There is an overwhelming feeling of loss of control when you are involved in one. It does not matter whether it is your fault or not, it can still shake you up. As a result car accident injuries can occur and you need to know what to do about them.

Insurance: Health Savings Account Advantages

Health Savings Account Advantages

If your company has recently changed the health insurance it offers, you may have found yourself stuck with a High-Deductible Health Plan. The good news is that you are now eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA), which can help you save money on your taxes and protect you from overwhelming medi

Insurance: Analyzing Affordable Health Insurance Quotes to Find the Right One For You

Analyzing Affordable Health Insurance Quotes to Find the Right One For You

There are many different ways you can get affordable health insurance quotes. Many times, your employer will offer you a coverage quote for the group plan they offer. You can also shop around for your own coverage, and many times going outside of the group plan offered through your employer will sav