How Exercise Can Help To Lower Cholesterol
This article takes a look at how physical activity may help to improve cholesterol levels. This article also discusses a way to quick start a new exercise program.
This article takes a look at how physical activity may help to improve cholesterol levels. This article also discusses a way to quick start a new exercise program.
Other Works ConsultedFreeman RV, Otto CM (2011). Aortic valve disease. In V Fuster et al., eds., Hurst’s The Heart, 13th ed., vol. 2, pp. 1692–1720. New York: McGraw-Hill.Otto CM, Bonow RO (2012). Valvular heart disease. In RO Bonow et al., eds., Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascul
Could ECGs become the basis for classification of atrial fibrillation?
Between 4 and 5 million women in the United States have peripheral artery disease, or PAD, but few are diagnosed and even fewer receive adequate treatment.
There may be sometimes when one needs to search for a cardiologist in Delhi. Most of the people get scared during the search.
Find out how imaging may help predict sudden cardiac death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
The underlying cause of coronary heart disease is atherosclerosis, which is a narrowing and hardening of the arteries caused by plaque. Plaque is made up of cholesterol laden foam cells, smooth muscle proteins, and calcium.
If you have chosen to avoid cholesterol medication and are looking for a safer and more natural approach to reducing your high cholesterol, you will want to be familiar with the information in this article. You see, for most individuals who have high cholesterol, their first inclination is to look f
Even those who start moving later in life could see benefits, study finds
One must try to have a healthy body and a big part of this process is having a positive outlook on life. You must keep your mind active with some kind of mind thinking activity. This article comes to my mind as I just completed my annual cardiology exam. The Dr. is still amazed that I am still aroun
Salt is classified as the 'white poison' of modern society. This article reveals the various damaging effects associated with a high intake of salt. The author also shares some practical tips on how anyone could reduce salt intake, at home and dining out.
Ileana Piña talks about electronic health records and clarifies meaningful use.
The six ways that you can investigate to lower your cholesterol - naturally! These are the basics and the backbone and over the next articles I will go into these in depth plus show you the supplements you can take to reduce your cholesterol now!
A look at the impact of the IDEAL and EPIC-Norfolk studies, which have led to the development of novel therapies that raise plasma levels of HDL-C or apoA-I in order to further decrease risk of CAD.
Cholesterol serves a number of purposes that are vital for the body. However, when there is too much in the body it can lead to plaque buildup on artery walls, atherosclerosis, and heart disease among other things. This article will discuss a few natural remedies, general diet guidelines, and lifest
You may ask yourself, what are some ways of reducing cholesterol naturally? Well, there are natural cholesterol reducers, for one thing, that you could slowly incorporate into your diet to help you decrease your cholesterol levels. From the name itself, natural cholesterol reducers are substances th
Cholesterol is a polycyclic long chain alcohol, usually considered a steroid found in cell membranes and transported in the blood plasma of all animals. It is an essential component of cell membranes of mammals.
With all the running around most people do today, it's nice to know that the simple act of walking can help you avoid heart disease, a heart attack, and other conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Walking is one of the easiest forms of heart disease prevention an
Sudden cardiac arrest, commonly referred to as a 'heart attack' or 'massive heart attack', is the leading cause of death in the United States. Claiming over 325,000 lives a year, young and old, SCA takes someone life every two minutes, with over 1,000 deaths a day. Lives can be s