Health & Medical: About Diet Schedules

About Diet Schedules

If you have ever gone on a diet before, the odds are good that at least once, you lost momentum because the results did not start to appear fast enough or you fell "off the wagon" after you lost the first 5 to 10 lbs. This makes dieting frustrating for many people, and even dangerous in some cases s

Health & Medical: Eating Disorders: Why Can't My Daughter Just Eat Normally?

Eating Disorders: Why Can't My Daughter Just Eat Normally?

With an eating disorder (ED) the person affected by it is unable to logically or rationally relate to food. The thoughts in her head are like another person (ED) who is illogically monopolizing the conversations in her brain.

Health & Medical: Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

A lot of watermelon smoothie recipes turn out too watery. This recipe shows you how to make a watermelon smoothie that has a milkshake-like texture

Health & Medical: How to Can Green Beans Without a Pressure Cooker

How to Can Green Beans Without a Pressure Cooker

Green beans are typically canned with a pressure cooker to ensure safety. If you don't have a pressure cooker, learn how to process green beans in a water bath as an alternative method.

Health & Medical: How to Make Taco Soup

How to Make Taco Soup

Taco soup is a delicious and simple way to make a nutritious and filling meal. Making this favorite Mexican recipe is a snap, just throw the ingredients into a crock pot in the morning and when you get home, a hot, ready-to-eat meal will be waiting.

Health & Medical: How to Keep Pizza Warm in a Snack Stand

How to Keep Pizza Warm in a Snack Stand

Snack stands are used for events like sports games or outdoor movies. The stands sell everything from drinks to hot dogs to pizzas. While the hotdogs are placed on trays that keep them warm and rotating, the pizzas need to stay warm as well. The number of pizzas ordered for the snack stand will dict

Health & Medical: How to Teach Kids About Healthy Eating

How to Teach Kids About Healthy Eating

It can be a challenge to get your kids to make wiser choices in the foods they eat, when junk foods and fast foods are so popular and readily available. Many of the health problems suffered by adults spring from years of bad eating habits. If you can show your children better ways to eat, they will

Health & Medical: Dinner for a Balanced Diet

Dinner for a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet can be much easier said than done. Most of us are so busy running in so many directions during the day that we are lucky to find time to eat, much less find the time to cook a balanced meal. It is still important to find balance in your meal plan, though, and it's possible to

Health & Medical: Equipment Used for Maple Syrup Tapping

Equipment Used for Maple Syrup Tapping

Maple syrup is made by collecting sap from maple trees and then heating it, causing the mixture to become darker in color, sweeter and more concentrated. Simple but reliable equipment is required to tap maple syrup.

Health & Medical: Food Catering Specialist

Food Catering Specialist

Catering services are believed to be several of the most effective business opportunities in recent times because the services are seriously sought following. Regardless of whether for company functio

Health & Medical: Oregon BBQ Whiskey Burger

Oregon BBQ Whiskey Burger

I recently competed in the Stanford's Ultimate Burger Showdown and my entry was the Oregon BBQ Whiskey Burger. Featuring a whiskey cola marinade, a bourbon-brown sugar barbecue sauce, Tillamook cheddar cheese, pepper bacon, grilled onions, fresh sliced tomato, lettuce and a hand-formed 1/2 lb b

Health & Medical: How to Make Your Own Kombucha Tea

How to Make Your Own Kombucha Tea

Kombucha is sour, fizzy and expensive -- unless you make it yourself. This ancient fermented beverage has become increasingly popular in recent years. Although scientific evidence is scarce, kombucha is reported to increase energy, improve eyesight, aid in weight loss, assist cancer recovery, streng

Health & Medical: My Expert Advice On What To Expect From A Disney Cruise

My Expert Advice On What To Expect From A Disney Cruise

Taking your family on a great vacation is a dream come true and the Disney Cruise line is there to help you make magic happen. You can have the benefit of the magical Disney experience while you and"/

Health & Medical: A Classic Brunswick Stew with Chicken and Ham

A Classic Brunswick Stew with Chicken and Ham

This version of the classic Southern Brunswick stew is made with chicken, ham, lima beans, and corn. This stew originated in the 1800s, possibly even earlier.

Health & Medical: Barbecue Chicken Wing Recipes - The Delicious Duo

Barbecue Chicken Wing Recipes - The Delicious Duo

I've tried dozens of chicken wing recipes in my time and these two are my favorites. They are so easy to make, and what's better, they taste as good as wings that have hours spent on

Health & Medical: Can You Eat River Mussels?

Can You Eat River Mussels?

Although they taste different than saltwater mussels, you can eat river mussels and other freshwater mussels. Regional pollution and environmental laws may provide exceptions to what river mussels you can eat.