Health & Medical: Classroom Activities

Classroom Activities

Developing lesson plans must be one of the toughest tasks of our nation's teachers and professors. With the technological revolutions of the past decade or two, attention spans have shortened, and distractions have infiltrated classrooms. Text messages and access to social networks through clas

Health & Medical: My Summer With Pokey

My Summer With Pokey

Having a baby raccoon as a pet was a great responsibility. The neighbor with the coon hounds was a threat to this pet. Keeping Pokey, the raccoon, away from those coon hounds was the greatest responsibility. This is the story of a boy's love for his pet, and how one careless act proved disastro

Health & Medical: Potty Training - From Nappies to Pants

Potty Training - From Nappies to Pants

The time to leave nappies varies greatly from child to child, some as little as 18 months, others 4 or 5 years. The common factor is the relief parents have when the big moment finally happens! To help make this period a little easier here are some tips on an easy switch from nappies to pants. First

Health & Medical: Old Favorites - New Looks

Old Favorites - New Looks

Barbie, Matchbox cars and other toys have seen some dramatic changes over the years. Ever wonder what happens to the toys we left behind? Those with children of their own are able to revisit the latest versions of old favorites, but for those who haven't had an excuse to check out Etch-E-Sketch

Health & Medical: Teen Parenting Myths

Teen Parenting Myths

Being the parent of teens these days is not an easy task, but do not allow yourself to fall into believing any of these myths about parenting teens.

Health & Medical: The Right Games for Your Children

The Right Games for Your Children

Today parents are focused on getting their children to excel in academics and pursue high studies to be able to get better jobs. In the bargain they push the children to spend all the time reading books and do not encourage them to go out and play or exercise on daily basis. This is not good for chi

Health & Medical: Meaningful Help For Troubled Teens

Meaningful Help For Troubled Teens

It's an overused analogy, but it it makes so many appearances because of its underlying truth: It's better to address the root cause of a problem than it is to merely address the symptoms. That sentiment is particularly true when applied to the issue of providing help for troubled teens.

Health & Medical: Concussion Awareness and Your Child - What You Need To Know

Concussion Awareness and Your Child - What You Need To Know

Sports are a great way for children and teens to stay healthy while learning important team-building skills. But there are risks when young athletes receive an injury such as a concussion and don't recognize the dangers of receiving such an injury and pushing their limits.

Health & Medical: How to Choose the Best Toys For Your Children

How to Choose the Best Toys For Your Children

Here we have some information on how to choose toys for children, with such a wide variety of different toys for kids these days it is difficult to find the right sort of toys. You can start by thinking of toys that will let your children use their imagination when playing, Tonka toys are extremely

Health & Medical: Kids' Plush Toys

Kids' Plush Toys

Kids' plush toys are a common item that many children carry around with them. They may only be interested in them during playtime, but others drag their favorite plush toy with them everywhere they go. The more use the stuffed toy gets, the dirtier it will become.

Health & Medical: My Opportunity For Existence

My Opportunity For Existence

Miralda eyes would be the delicate green of sea glass. Expressive, lively, they mild up when she smiles (which she does typically) and dance playfully when she laughs. Then all of a sudden, unexpectedly, they ...

Health & Medical: Ride On Pedal Car History

Ride On Pedal Car History

Starting out with the horse and buggy the wheels were of great importance to the future of nearly all modes of transportation. The wheel gave way for many kids toys as far back as the late 1800's, maybe even earlier. Children always loved rolling along with all the energy and imagination they c

Health & Medical: Technology for Teens

Technology for Teens

Teens and technology go together. Here is a guide to buying the right technology and electronics for the teen in your home.

Health & Medical: How to Prevent Bullying in School

How to Prevent Bullying in School

Bullying is a pervasive problem in our society that has both immediate and long-term effects on the physical and emotional health of the bullying victim. Moreover, bullying has serious negative consequences on the overall safety of a school environment. Unfortunately, there is no easy cure for bully

Health & Medical: Current Events Project Ideas for Teens - Create a Mural

Current Events Project Ideas for Teens - Create a Mural

This article is the third in a series on current events project ideas for teens. It provides an overview on how to create a mural. Teens express creativity as they examine current events that relate to a specific topic.