Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Why Do You Continue to Suffer From Back Pain? Discover the Number 1 Cause of Back Pain

Are you one of the 70 million Americans who suffer from back pain every year? If you are like me back pain, especially in the lower back, is your constant unwelcome companion.
When I travel about town on errands I see many people limping or walking with canes, walkers or crutches.
My wife suffers from MS and is confined to a wheel chair.
Transferring her to and from her chair requires great effort and puts a lot of stress on my back.
So I know how you feel.
There are a number of causes of back pain.
You may have one of the following:
  1. Severe trauma from a fall or injury.
  2. Herniated disk.
  3. Referred pain from internal organ such as kidney stone.
  4. Excess weight.
  5. Leg or foot problems that cause uneven gait.
  6. Sciatica from pinched nerves.
  7. Narrowing of spinal canal from blood clot or tumor.
  8. Scoliosis.
But the Number 1 cause above all others is muscle imbalance from poor posture, improper lifting, or being seated too long.
If you are one of millions of Americans that have a desk job or drive truck then you know exactly what I mean.
But those of you that have jobs that require lifting and twisting are also at risk.
Did I mention mothers who lift young children throughout the day? As you can see almost everyone is at some risk of suffering from lower back pain.
"That's all well and good.
" (I hear you saying.
) "But what can I do about it?" Most people grab for the pain killers at first.
But besides the side effects, the pain often returns when the pills wear off.
Chiropractors help, but again, the pain often returns.
Cortisone shots and surgery may be required, but the cure may be worse than the cause.
Did you know about $10 billion dollars are spent every year on spinal pain treatments? That's because we tend to treat the symptoms instead of the cause.
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