This entry is going to follow a different theme from my past writings.
I normally write about my thoughts regarding the Canine community, however I have some things on my mind I need to get out.
I have been following this government bailout with interest.
It seems to me, in my opinion that accountability is a foreign word to so many people in high positions these days.
The very people who created this mess are being handed OUR money to fix a problem they created.
There are penalties, no shame, just more of the same.
" golden parachutes" and back door dealing with absolutely no input from us, the taxpayers footing the bill for the bail out.
I look at the amount of the bailout that is being tossed around and can't help but shake my head.
If that money was distributed to each and every tax paying legal resident of this country it would be a FAR better investment than how it is planned to be spent.
How much good would this money do each of us, how much would it stimulate the economy? We would pay our share of taxes on it which would be a double benefit to the system.
As for the people and business that got us into this predicament in the first place, close their business and let them look for employment elsewhere.
They did enough damage where they are.
Exactly where did this money being used for the bailout come from in the first place anyway? Our tax dollars of course.
Why then do we not have a say in this matter? Why are our voices and displeasure with this bailout are so utterly ignored? This is a bi-partisan mess and both parties should be held accountable, oops, there's that word again.
If you or I filed bankruptcy, we would have to go in front of a judge and explain what happened to our money.
After we were embarrassed in public we would either be forgiven our debts or given a payment schedule to repay them.
NO ONE would come to our rescue to bail us out, to rescue us from our own mistakes.
When will the American people wake up and say enough is enough? When will we demand once again that we are represented by a government OF the people, FOR the people and BY the people? Republican, democrats, there isn't a dimes worth of difference between them.
They are all "politicians" after all.
Now THAT is truly an ugly word.
This may be a narrow minded, naïve view and I admit I am no economist.
I do know that the government will not ride to the rescue for one of us average, working citizens.
Correction, they will if my some means it can get them good press! I have been to other countries and still believe we live in the best country in the world, but it is the average working family that makes it that way in spite of our politicians.
That's my opinion, tell me what you think.
I normally write about my thoughts regarding the Canine community, however I have some things on my mind I need to get out.
I have been following this government bailout with interest.
It seems to me, in my opinion that accountability is a foreign word to so many people in high positions these days.
The very people who created this mess are being handed OUR money to fix a problem they created.
There are penalties, no shame, just more of the same.
" golden parachutes" and back door dealing with absolutely no input from us, the taxpayers footing the bill for the bail out.
I look at the amount of the bailout that is being tossed around and can't help but shake my head.
If that money was distributed to each and every tax paying legal resident of this country it would be a FAR better investment than how it is planned to be spent.
How much good would this money do each of us, how much would it stimulate the economy? We would pay our share of taxes on it which would be a double benefit to the system.
As for the people and business that got us into this predicament in the first place, close their business and let them look for employment elsewhere.
They did enough damage where they are.
Exactly where did this money being used for the bailout come from in the first place anyway? Our tax dollars of course.
Why then do we not have a say in this matter? Why are our voices and displeasure with this bailout are so utterly ignored? This is a bi-partisan mess and both parties should be held accountable, oops, there's that word again.
If you or I filed bankruptcy, we would have to go in front of a judge and explain what happened to our money.
After we were embarrassed in public we would either be forgiven our debts or given a payment schedule to repay them.
NO ONE would come to our rescue to bail us out, to rescue us from our own mistakes.
When will the American people wake up and say enough is enough? When will we demand once again that we are represented by a government OF the people, FOR the people and BY the people? Republican, democrats, there isn't a dimes worth of difference between them.
They are all "politicians" after all.
Now THAT is truly an ugly word.
This may be a narrow minded, naïve view and I admit I am no economist.
I do know that the government will not ride to the rescue for one of us average, working citizens.
Correction, they will if my some means it can get them good press! I have been to other countries and still believe we live in the best country in the world, but it is the average working family that makes it that way in spite of our politicians.
That's my opinion, tell me what you think.