Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Locksmiths Melbourne and the Increasing amount of Door Theft in the Area

Locksmiths Melbourne http://www.alocksmithsmelbourne.com.au/


Door security means prevention of door related thefts. Door break-ins are taking place in various forms and in different locations. Locations may be through front door, back door or side doors or through windows. Residential doors are of different types. They are solid wood door, metal skinned wood-edged doors, panel doors or metal edge wrapped doors. Generally door frames are solid wood. When compared to the metal skinned wood-edged doors solid wood doors withstand more force.  Plenty of door security devices are there to give security to the residences.

Alarm: This is a silent alarm which is kept active. When a door is opened this active alarm is triggered and police and guards are cautioned without the knowledge of the burglar. Then it is easy for police to catch hold of him.

Deadbolts:  This is manufactured by many manufacturers. This gives resistance to lock picking, lock bumping and impact failure. But, sometimes it breaks apart or fails when force is applied to the door.

Door Strike reinforcers: This is made of two parts. Frame inforces to prevent delamination or splitting of the door and strike plate to prevent the strike plate ripping out of the frame. The metal Frame inforces are fixed vertically or behind the door frame. On the hinge side they are called Birmingham bars and on the strike plate side they are called London bars.

Various products like sheet steel plate can be placed under or behind the deadbolt and can wrap the door edge for avoiding the breaking of the door. On either side of the door, heavy plates can be screwed or bolted to avoid delamination.

Door chains: When door chain is fixed the door can be opened partly and can see the outside without opening the door fully.

Door Viewers: Door viewers are nothing, but a small fish-eye lenses that are fixed to the door. Through this lens one can see outside without opening the door.

Door Windows: For the security of the windows security bars and grates, unbreakable glass windows like Plexiglas, lexan or other glass replacements and security coating applied to the windows are the common methods.

Specialized screws are fixed to prevent the door opening by removing the hinge pins. To safe guard the sliding door and patio door locks there are plenty of specialized locks are available.

People must be careful when they plan their door security and prevent door related burglaries.

Locksmiths melbourne http://www.alocksmithsmelbourne.com.au/
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