Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Challenge And Defeat Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a viral disease, which is caused by the transmission and infection with the hepatitis virus B.
This particular infection can determine the formation of scared tissue inside the liver of an individual, hepatic dysfunction as well as hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic cancer or even decease of the infected person.
It can be found in affected blood or in other infected liquids of the human body, for example seminal liquid, vaginal secretions.
This is why the transmission of this virus can be done through blood transfusions with infected blood, by using infected syringes and needles, either in hospitals or in dentist's offices, manicure proceedings, piercing, etc.
It also very easily trabsmitable through sexual unprotected contact and it can be transmitted from the mother to the newborn, too.
The symptoms of the acute hepatitis B infection are diverse.
One of them is the color change of the white part of the eye; it becomes yellowish.
The skin can go through the same changes, which could also indicate an infection with that virus.
The urine of an infected individual could turn orange or even brown when such an infection happens, and feces are discolored.
There are also other symptoms of the hepatitis B infection.
Exaggerated and persistent exhaustion could be one of them.
If that exhaustion is present for days or even for weeks, it could be a sign that the individual is infected with this virus.
There are also a number of symptoms, which can be the manifestation of other affections, like flu, which can also mean a viral infection with B hepatitis.
The patient may present fever, lack of appetite, nausea, and even vomit.
These symptoms appear after a one to six month period of incubation of the virus, after the initial contact with the infected person or object.
What you must be attentive about and know is that approximately thirty percent of the infected individuals present no symptoms what so ever.
The symptoms of chronic hepatitis B are similar to the acute hepatitis B, with the particularity that the exhaustion is more severe, and the patient may get confused or disoriented.
When a doctor suspects a viral B hepatitis, he or she will proceed to a full examination and a series of blood tests to establish if the hepatic functions are working right.
If this virus is traced, and when the hepatitis is chronic, hepatic biopsy is recommended.
This will reveal the severity of the illness.
The doctor will recommend special treatment in the matter, depending on the patient's state and the severity of the affection.
Acute B hepatitis can be treated and cured in about six months, and the cases are usually limited.
Few of the acute hepatitis cases turn into chronic hepatitis.
If the individual sees a doctor as soon as he or she was exposed to the virus, a special vaccine will be administered.
The dosage of the vaccine will stimulate the immune system to fight against the infection.
Patients with acute B hepatitis are recommended a lot of rest, to hurry up the recovery.
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