When a family or friend may need to see a counselor or therapist for mental health help: 1.
Affirm them and express your unconditional love for them.
People need to know you stand by them no matter what and embrace them even when they error or make a fool of themselves.
Tell a story of another wonderful person who in a time of struggle found help from a counselor and overcame their dilemma.
We all turn to advisors, family, and friends we trust at different pivotal times in our lives.
There certainly is nothing wrong with getting wise counsel pertaining to any area of our lives.
Such humility in doing so should be honored.
Commit to go with them to visit and meet the therapist / counselor.
Meeting unknown people, particularly professionals, for the first time can be intimidating.
Lessen the tension by going with them.
Honor and congratulate them for being committed to personal growth and being willing to make positive changes.
Salute and uphold a person who makes a commitment to personal growth.
Anybody willing to make positive changes and work on themselves is a quality person.
Nurture and encourage them through the process checking in every week to see how they are doing.
Go the distance and don't abandon your friend after the initial commitment to see a counselor.
Check in periodically and see how they are doing.
Encourage the family to be affirming and not critical.
Get others involved to help show encouragement so it comes from a multiplicity of well meaning people.
Be sure to have fun apart from all the heavy mental health issues.
Take them out and enjoy life together.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated.
Don't get too heavy in your conversation with people struggling with elements of their lives.
Lessening the intensity is a great strategy for empowering people to be resourceful.
Remind them happiness is an inside job.
Don't let people put unrealistic expectations on you, nor play the pity party.
Express that happiness is an inside job.
Continually tell them how special they are.
Affirm continually those lacking a sense of certainty.
Expectantly talk about the future and the wonderful person they are becoming.
Nobody's past should determine their future.
Make for a new tomorrow by telling a person how wonderful they are today, by speaking to their potential and ability.
Affirm them and express your unconditional love for them.
People need to know you stand by them no matter what and embrace them even when they error or make a fool of themselves.
Tell a story of another wonderful person who in a time of struggle found help from a counselor and overcame their dilemma.
We all turn to advisors, family, and friends we trust at different pivotal times in our lives.
There certainly is nothing wrong with getting wise counsel pertaining to any area of our lives.
Such humility in doing so should be honored.
Commit to go with them to visit and meet the therapist / counselor.
Meeting unknown people, particularly professionals, for the first time can be intimidating.
Lessen the tension by going with them.
Honor and congratulate them for being committed to personal growth and being willing to make positive changes.
Salute and uphold a person who makes a commitment to personal growth.
Anybody willing to make positive changes and work on themselves is a quality person.
Nurture and encourage them through the process checking in every week to see how they are doing.
Go the distance and don't abandon your friend after the initial commitment to see a counselor.
Check in periodically and see how they are doing.
Encourage the family to be affirming and not critical.
Get others involved to help show encouragement so it comes from a multiplicity of well meaning people.
Be sure to have fun apart from all the heavy mental health issues.
Take them out and enjoy life together.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and celebrated.
Don't get too heavy in your conversation with people struggling with elements of their lives.
Lessening the intensity is a great strategy for empowering people to be resourceful.
Remind them happiness is an inside job.
Don't let people put unrealistic expectations on you, nor play the pity party.
Express that happiness is an inside job.
Continually tell them how special they are.
Affirm continually those lacking a sense of certainty.
Expectantly talk about the future and the wonderful person they are becoming.
Nobody's past should determine their future.
Make for a new tomorrow by telling a person how wonderful they are today, by speaking to their potential and ability.