Herbal treatment for uterine fibroids has been used for many thousands of years mainly by Chinese practitioners.
However, there is a sway towards using natural products for all manner of conditions and there is evidence to suggest that when used as part of an overall treatment strategy, rather than just in isolation, herbal treatments can play a useful part in shrinking fibroids naturally.
Firstly, it is important to clarify that just because a product is herbal or natural , this does not guarantee its' safety.
Although many herbal remedies are completely safe, just like other forms of medication they should always be taken with caution.
You should also be vary of very cheap herbal remedies as good preparations often take time and effort to put together and the price is often reflective of this.
One good herbal treatment for uterine fibroids is Yarrow.
Yarrow can help to improve circulation around the pelvic area and this in turn can relieve menstrual cramps.
Ginger is also excellent for improving the circulation as is Rosemary.
Muscle spasms which are often more painful in women with fibroids can be helped by taking Vibernum Opulus, Chamomile and Lavender.
To reduce the inflammation of fibroids, Wild Yam and White Willow have been shown to be beneficial and an infusion of ginger, mint and honey can sometimes help with period pains.
Chaste Tree and Red Clover have been shown to help some women in shrinking fibroids naturally.
Many women with fibroids feel permanently exhausted often due to lowered iron levels caused by heavy periods.
Although herbal treatment for uterine fibroids will not in themselves increase iron levels, they can often improve vitality.
For this problem you could try cinnamon, Ginseng or Gotu Kola.
There is often felt to be a lack of real information for women who would like to use alternative methods for treating fibroids.
However, there is a sway towards using natural products for all manner of conditions and there is evidence to suggest that when used as part of an overall treatment strategy, rather than just in isolation, herbal treatments can play a useful part in shrinking fibroids naturally.
Firstly, it is important to clarify that just because a product is herbal or natural , this does not guarantee its' safety.
Although many herbal remedies are completely safe, just like other forms of medication they should always be taken with caution.
You should also be vary of very cheap herbal remedies as good preparations often take time and effort to put together and the price is often reflective of this.
One good herbal treatment for uterine fibroids is Yarrow.
Yarrow can help to improve circulation around the pelvic area and this in turn can relieve menstrual cramps.
Ginger is also excellent for improving the circulation as is Rosemary.
Muscle spasms which are often more painful in women with fibroids can be helped by taking Vibernum Opulus, Chamomile and Lavender.
To reduce the inflammation of fibroids, Wild Yam and White Willow have been shown to be beneficial and an infusion of ginger, mint and honey can sometimes help with period pains.
Chaste Tree and Red Clover have been shown to help some women in shrinking fibroids naturally.
Many women with fibroids feel permanently exhausted often due to lowered iron levels caused by heavy periods.
Although herbal treatment for uterine fibroids will not in themselves increase iron levels, they can often improve vitality.
For this problem you could try cinnamon, Ginseng or Gotu Kola.
There is often felt to be a lack of real information for women who would like to use alternative methods for treating fibroids.