Health & Medical Mental Health

The Best Way to Sleep to Minimize Snoring

    Sleep Strategies

    • One of the most helpful sleep strategies in order to reduce snoring it to sleep on your side. For some people, lying on their backs encourages their tongues to fall back against their throats, which cuts off some of their airways. Many people will only snore if they are on their backs, though some snorers will snore no matter which position they are in. Still, it can cut down on the amount of snoring. Sew a tennis ball or similar object to the back of your pajamas, which can help keep you from rolling onto your back. It will not hurt, but will be a gentle reminder while you are sleeping to avoid lying on your back and encourage you to stay on your side.

      Consider raising the head of your bed up a few inches. Blocks, bricks or a wedge can be used in order to do this, but be careful to make sure the bed is secure and will not fall off the lift while you are on it. You will need to raise the actual bed and not just use pillows to raise your head. In fact, many people find relief from snoring if they get rid of their pillows and go without, since it causes a kink in the neck and can put them in an awkward sleeping position.

      Before bed, run an air humidifier or vaporizer. This can help eliminate nasal congestion, which is another cause of snoring. You can also take a moderately hot shower and breathe in the steam.

      Many people use nasal strips while they sleep; the strips open your nostrils more and allow you to breath in more air. This is unlikely to work for anyone who snores through their mouth, however, but can be helpful for those who are congested.

    Other Factors

    • Overweight people tend to snore more often, so if you need to lose a few pounds, this might help with your snoring. Talk to your doctor and get on a diet and exercise routine to help bring you to a healthy weight.

      Allergies can also make snoring worse, so if you have them, try to get them under control in order to help minimize your snoring. Similarly, colds and nasal congestion can lead to snoring, so wash your hands often and get enough vitamin C in order to fend off colds. Take good care of yourself if you get one. Smokers tend to snore, so that could be another good reason to kick the habit.

      Finally, sedatives, such as sleep aids, and alcohol can also make snoring more of an issue, so cut back on their use and you may see wonderful results. If all else fails, make an appointment with your doctor to make sure there are no other underlying issues causing your snoring and to seek more serious treatment.

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