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Strength Capacity Of Commercial Seating Systems

The strength capacity of commercial seating systems has to be able withstand not only the weight of the people that will be sitting in it, but the weight plus the movement of the people. When people are shifting their weight from hip to hip it can put extra stress on the seating systems and can cause them to break or become unstable.

The normal strength capacity for seating systems used in commercial waiting areas will accommodate the weight of a two hundred and fifty pound person sitting in each of the chairs along the row. These seating systems have chairs that are attached from the bottom to a steel beam that is attached to the floor through a series of bolts and supports.

There are extra supports in place to accommodate the fact that each person may move from side to side causing the chair they are sitting in to move as well. As the chair moves from side to side the stress that it is under can cause the attaching hardware to become weak. The manufacturers take this fact into account and they make the rows of seats stronger for this purpose.

You can get row seating that is built to accommodate the weight of people who are heavier than two hundred and fifty pounds. The airlines generally do not have these larger seats because they do not have seats on the airplane that will accommodate heavier passengers. They will generally have one or two single seating chairs that will hold the weight of a larger individual, but they do not have large numbers of seats with this capability.

Bus terminals and train stations often have row seating that will handle larger people because these modes of transportation can accept larger individuals. Hospital waiting rooms often have the larger chairs for larger people in their waiting areas. These seats provide more comfortable places for people who are pregnant and people who are overweight to sit.

The strength capacity of these types of beam seats will depend on the size of the chairs that are going to be installed on top of the beam. The number of chairs that will be installed on top of the beam will also make a difference in the strength capacity of the entire unit.

If the waiting area in which you are placing these rows of chairs in is on a floor level higher than the first level you should make certain that the floor is reinforced and capable of handling larger amounts of weight. First level waiting rooms are on ground level, but in older buildings that have wooden floors the supports beneath the floor may not be strong enough to handle massive amounts of weight. Have these older buildings checked for structural integrity before you design and lay out a plan for your waiting room seating.

Always keep in mind that when a chair is stated to have a weight limit of two hundred and fifty pounds that is the maximum amount of weight it can hold. It is best to have chairs larger than what you think you may need.

Seating systems in commercial waiting rooms have to be strong enough to hold the weight of the many people that will be using them at one time. The seating systems must be installed on floors that are strong enough to handle the massive weight. You can find out more here.

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