Health & Medical Acne

Do"s And Don"ts For Adult Acne

If zits, whiteheads, blackheads, inflamed red eruptions have occupied your skin, and you have crossed puberty long back, you are definitely suffering from Adult Acne, which needs immediate attention.
Adult acne is a skin condition that is faced by a lot of men and women alike all over the world and is dreaded by most.
More often than not they leave behind marks on the skin, long after they are gone and are terribly painful to touch.
The skin is characterized by sebaceous glands which are responsible for the oil production in the skin.
However when there is a sudden increase in the secretion of sebum, which could be due to various reasons, it may result in a break out of acne.
This is because the extra oil, blocks the pores of the skin, which then attracts bacteria and dirt which inevitably causes it to get infected and results in red, ugly-looking skin eruptions.
Changes in the hormonal level of the body, excessive stress or smoking, oily hair products or cosmetics, unhygienic food and even some drugs like steroids could all be causes for acne.
However, proper treatment of acne is essential, if you want a blemish free skin.
And good treatment for acne is highly sought after because it is rare.
Most of the recommended treatments either leave scars behind, or cause the zit to become hard and hence take longer to heal, or leave the possibility of a relapse.
In worst case scenarios, where nothing else works, many recommend accutane as a treatment.
And since it's proven to be a very potent treatment, it should be taken only under a doctor's recommendation, because one small mistake like drinking while under accutane prescription could be fatal.
Many believe that if the acne is not very severe, one should let it heal on its own.
If that is your mantra, here are some tips for you: Do's · If you have an oily skin wash your face gently with a non-drying soap or face wash at least twice daily.
Also make sure you do so after exercising.
This prevents too much oil from accumulating in the skin and thus helps adult acne heal sooner.
· If your hair is oily, shampoo it regularly or at least every alternate day.
This will keep the oil from your scalp from affecting your skin.
· Avoid too much of junk food and oily food.
Not only are they bad for your digestive system, they also are responsible for adult acne.
· Exercise regularly to keep your system fit and healthy.
If nothing else, at least take a twenty-minute walk every other day.
Exercising keeps your digestive tract clean and keeps a check on the hormones.
· Another less known, but hugely effective homemade treatment is to apply sandalwood paste over the swelling for 10 minutes at least 3 times a day.
Sandalwood paste works wonders on acne, since it dries up the excess oil on the skin, thus helping the acne to heal.
Don'ts · NEVER go to sleep with makeup on.
Remove all dirt and make up before hitting the sack.
· When you already have a breakout of acne, smoke as less as you can.
Research shows that smoking induces almost as many as 4000 different chemicals in our body and aggravates acne.
· Avoid touching the acne with your fingers.
Chances are you will end up infecting them because of the bacteria inherently present in your fingers.
· Avoid greasy and oily make up and creams.
Look for cosmetics that usually have 'noncomedogenic' i.
water based formulae, since they do not clog the pores on the skin.
Do not sleep with cream on your face.
At night, massage your face with cream and leave it on for 30-45 minutes so as to let the skin soak in the nutrients.
But cleanse your face, preferably with a cleansing lotion before you go to sleep.
Your skin should be able to breathe, when you go to sleep at night.
· Lastly and very importantly, avoid squeezing, scratching, rubbing or picking the pimples.
As tempting as I may be, it usually leads to infection and causes scarring of the skin.
If your acne still exists after all the self-care measures, it is imperative that you check with a dermatologist.
If the acne is severe he will prescribe you medicines that would help.
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