Business & Finance Finance

What Is Cash Flow?

Cash flow simply means the money that comes into and leaves a business or household.
Money flows into a business in the form of revenues and out through the form of expenses.
Money flows into a household in many forms.
Are you receiving money from a structured settlement or lottery? Those are incoming cash flows.
Do you owe money to anyone? Those are outgoing cash flows.
While owner financing can trace its roots much further back into history, it was the 1980s that really saw a new beginning in the Cash Flow Industry.
Today there are more than 60 income streams that can be bought and sold.
An income stream is a future series of payments.
More technically, an income stream is a financial obligation or debt that one party owes to another party.
How Can You Benefit from Cash Flow? Individuals and businesses sell income streams for three basic reasons: o Access -- it may be a need to pay debt, settle a divorce, purchase a home, take a vacation, finance a wedding, start a new business, etc.
Whatever income stream you currently have that you may need cash for immediately.
oInterest or Yield -- as interest or yield opportunities arise that allow you to make more money than your current investments, you may want to reallocate money from existing income streams to new better-producing ones.
oInflation -- this eats away at the future earning power of your money.
You can sell your income stream to avoid the drop in real value over time.
Individuals and businesses buy income streams as a form of investing that often produce better returns than they can obtain from more traditional sources.
If you would like more information on how we can help you buy or sell income streams, or for more information, contact us today.
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