iPad is an innovative device and it has attracted many to purchase it. Thus, it has a huge market and sold worldwide. Apple has released SDK of the third party apps development and created a market place for them in form of iTunes store. Once developer register and download SDK he/she becomes liable to get 70% share from the sale. Apple keeps only 30% from it. This way Apple has created a huge market for the developers. Statistics indicates that there are more than 2 million iPad apps have been downloaded till to date. This alone indicates the popularity of iTunes store amongst the masses and earning of iPad developers as a whole.
If you want to take advantage of this platform then you have to register as an iPad developer at Apple store. Once you get registration you can download iPad SDK and start development. If you are not an iPad developer and unable to do iPad development yourself, then you can hire an iPad developer from a reputed outsourcing company. This is because outsourcing companies have cheaper developer than your current country. You can take advantage of currency differences and get cheaper iPad development. This way you can get economic advantages with outsourcing companies and secure your margin in iPad development.
iPad development has vast area of development and this reflects in the iTunes store where you can find the various categories of iPad apps like: ·        Entertainment ·        Games ·        Education ·        Business ·        Sports ·        Travel ·        Social networking ·        Music ·        Video ·        Movies ·        Utility, etc. You can select any categories and develop apps for your selected categories and put into iTunes store for sale. This alone is not enough. You are to promote your app on the internet too. So you can get good reviews of your apps. Customer reviews are another thing and it helps you a lot in selling on iTunes store so appeal your customers to leave a good review of your apps if they like it. Social media are another bet to get a good exposure of your apps. You can promote your apps on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc. so people know about it and tempted to download it more.
Apart from various marketing techniques your app should have inherent capability to prove itself a worth thing to buy so make app which is useful to its users. If your app is good then it will sold with the words to mouth ways i.e. viral ways.
If you want to take advantage of this platform then you have to register as an iPad developer at Apple store. Once you get registration you can download iPad SDK and start development. If you are not an iPad developer and unable to do iPad development yourself, then you can hire an iPad developer from a reputed outsourcing company. This is because outsourcing companies have cheaper developer than your current country. You can take advantage of currency differences and get cheaper iPad development. This way you can get economic advantages with outsourcing companies and secure your margin in iPad development.
iPad development has vast area of development and this reflects in the iTunes store where you can find the various categories of iPad apps like: ·        Entertainment ·        Games ·        Education ·        Business ·        Sports ·        Travel ·        Social networking ·        Music ·        Video ·        Movies ·        Utility, etc. You can select any categories and develop apps for your selected categories and put into iTunes store for sale. This alone is not enough. You are to promote your app on the internet too. So you can get good reviews of your apps. Customer reviews are another thing and it helps you a lot in selling on iTunes store so appeal your customers to leave a good review of your apps if they like it. Social media are another bet to get a good exposure of your apps. You can promote your apps on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc. so people know about it and tempted to download it more.
Apart from various marketing techniques your app should have inherent capability to prove itself a worth thing to buy so make app which is useful to its users. If your app is good then it will sold with the words to mouth ways i.e. viral ways.