- 1). Compile the credit information you would like to report to the Texas credit bureau. This can include missing credit information or information that may be inaccurate or incomplete on a credit report. Businesses should gather customer credit information that may include accounts placed for collection, bad debt writeoffs or chargeoffs and judgments. The credit bureau will also need information that includes a consumer's or debtor's name, address and phone number.
- 2). Contact a credit bureau. Call a Texas credit bureau or a credit bureau that operates or reports within the state. Examples include Experian, Equifax and TransUnion (see Resources). Tell the credit bureau you would like to add or correct information contained in a credit report or credit file. Provide them with the necessary details. The credit bureau may ask you to fax or mail the information to them.
- 3). Receive confirmation. If you are a consumer reporting information on yourself, you may be entitled to written confirmation from the credit bureau. Any changes made to a credit report relating to a consumer dispute require the credit bureau to provide written notice. You are also entitled to receive a free credit report under these circumstances. Businesses reporting credit information on a customer or debtor can request the credit bureau provide them with written confirmation the information was added.