Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

End Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Snoring is one of the most common and irritating factor that creates a wedge between couples and within families.
Not only a butt of jokes, snoring has come up to be a leading cause of fatal sleep apnea.
According to leading research, more than 30% of the population suffers from severe snoring over the age of 30 years.
Basically, sleep apnea is a fatal sleep disorder wherein the snorer stops breathing over 10 seconds due to completely obstructed respiratory passages, which leads to death at any age.
If you have been snoring over a long period, it is time to get a complete medical examination to check for sleep apnea diagnosis.
Usually the disorder goes unnoticed as often the snorer wakes up choking and coughing but does not realize the reason.
Only the bed partner is able to notice the interrupted breathing patterns and that may be the very reason that seeking medical help becomes imperative.
Sleep apnea has been categorized into two broad categories of Central Sleep Apnea and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
The OSA affects those whose respiratory passages become blocked when the individual is asleep while the Central Sleep Apnea is due to disoriented neurological incompetence wherein the brain does not send in the right signals to the respiratory system that controls the involuntary breathing while asleep.
Major studies done in the field of sleep apnea and snoring have proven that during sleep, the brain is active and receives signals from the body about the availability and level of CO2 and depending on that sends out commands to the respiratory system specifically to the muscles of the throat and the trachea that control the breathing patterns.
When the person suffers from OSA breathing while asleep is a cause of major concern because the narrowed air passages create intense vibrations in the soft tissues in the throat region that lead to snoring.
But all through the checkered snoring patterns, there are a few seconds when the chest is heaving but there is no inhalation or exhalation which can cause untimely death.
Though any age can be affected, usually old men are more vulnerable to it.
The risk factors for developing apnea and snoring are obesity, alcohol consumption, and smoking, allergies, respiratory diseases and even enlarged tonsils and adenoids can pose a problem.
The excessive fat deposits around the throat area prevent proper breathing by applying undue pressure on the trachea and alcohol relaxes the muscles and dulls the brain, increasing chances of missed signals.
The vulnerability of stopping to breathe leads to high chances of fatalities.
The lack of oxygen has related problems especially fatigue, drowsiness, low alertness and concentration leading to car crashes and accidents.
However, if you have just started snoring or have been snoring but are on the high risk category of sleep apnea, it is time to find snoring solutions such as throat and nasal sprays, nasal strips, jaw aligners, chin straps and an array of alternate methods of stop snoring.
Start researching and quit snoring to lead a better and healthier life.
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