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Make sure the ATM you intend to use takes deposits.24 Hour ATM - English Sign in Chinese Place image by evillager from Fotolia.com
Verify that the ATM machine you intend to use accepts deposits. While most ATM machines let you take money out of them, not all machines allow for deposits. ATM's that are located at financial institutions will be more apt to take deposits than those located in shopping malls, convenience stores and casinos. - 2
Fill out necessary forms like the bank deposit slip.atm image by Franc Podgor...?ek from Fotolia.com
Gather and fill out paperwork. If the ATM you use requires a deposit slip, fill it out with the appropriate information such as your account number, check number (if depositing checks), and the amount of the funds to be deposited. Make sure you have your bank ATM debit card and are aware of your pin number. - 3
Secure your funds in the provided envelope before depositing.money deposit image by max blain from Fotolia.com
Put your deposit slip and funds into the deposit envelope. Most ATMs requiring an envelope will have the envelopes in a dispenser located at the ATM machine. Put your funds into the provided envelope and fill out the information which is requested on the outside of the envelope. This is usually your name, account number and the total amount of your transaction. Seal the envelope. - 4
Insert your debit card into the ATM before making a deposit.Credit cards (shallow DoF) image by Andrejs Pidjass from Fotolia.com
Insert your bank ATM card. The display screen will ask for your pin number. Enter your pin number on the numeric touch pad when prompted. Choose the type of transaction you wish to perform. In this case you would enter "deposit". When the ATM machine is ready, (typically a few seconds) the display will tell you to insert your deposit. Gently insert the ATM envelope into the slot labeled "deposit." Some envelopes will have an arrow on it to show you which end should be inserted first. Once the money has been deposited the machine will ask you if you want any other transactions. Press "No" (if applicable). A printed receipt will come out and your ATM card will come out. That's all there is to it.