Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Online Dating Tips - If You" re Going To Do It, Do It Right

There is someone out there for everyone. It doesnt matter what your age is, if youre tall or short, thin or hefty there is someone that wants to meet you and get to know you. In todays modern world all you need is a computer and an internet connection and you can find someone thats right for you. So now I would like to outline a few tips for anyone interested in online dating.

The first general rule is that honesty is the best policy. If youre a 45 year old man who stands 5 feet 7 inches and weighs in at 225 lbs. Dont claim to be a 32 year old who is 6 feet 3 inches and 220 lbs. The same goes for women of course. Dont claim to be something youre not. Dont distort the truth about your age, your physical appearance, your income, or anything else for that matter. The truth will come out in time anyway and if you truly are looking for a relationship, starting a relationship with deception makes that relationship destined for failure.

When uploading a photo for your profile you will obviously want to pick a flattering photo but make sure it is also a fairly recent photo. This gets back to the honesty thing. If your profile pic is ten years old you are misrepresenting yourself and it can come back to bite you.

This next tip is mostly for men but I suppose it could go either way and that is dont be overly aggressive when trying to set up a face to face meeting. If you push too hard or come across as too aggressive you can frighten off the person that you are trying to set up a meeting with.

Next tip, find the online dating site thats right for you. There are so many online dating sites today that cater to various interests or lifestyles. If you want to meet someone of a certain religion, someone that makes a certain income, someone of a particular nationality, there are sites for all kinds of different characteristics and lifestyle choices. Picking a dating site that caters to a certain category will make it easy to find people that share something in common with you.

Final tip. Nobody is perfect. If you intend to wait for perfection you will never get out there and date anyone. If there is someone you think you might like, give them a chance.
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