Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

There Is A Difference Between Fighting And Disagreeing

It doesn't matter how right you are for one another, from time to time you are going to have problems. How you deal with the issues in your relationship will allow you to control how big of a problem these issues become. Even the most serious disagreements and differences can be worked out, so long as you sort out your relationship woes in a positive manner.

The best piece of advice you can ever get when you are in a relationship is not to fight. There is a difference between fighting and disagreeing. Any time you put two people together you are likely to have some disagreements because everyone has a different way of looking at things. Disagreeing is allowing for both of you to state your opinions without lashing out at one another. Fighting almost never ends in a positive manner so change your acceptance of fighting and work to disagree without hurting one another.

Realize that you will not always be right. Many relationship issues start and end because someone thinks that they are right about everything. You need to be willing to admit when you are wrong and look at your partner's view on things and try to understand where they are coming from. When you are able to do this you may be able to work through an argument or disagreement with a lot more ease than you would have ever been able to do in the past.

Don't allow for things to be ignored. When someone bothers you, don't just ignore it and assume that it will go away. Things that bother you and are then ignored will usually just fester and become bigger issues than they were to start with. Be proactive. When something bothers with you, deal with it right away so that nothing is blown out of proportion or so things don't become bigger than they need to be.

Don't wait to get help. If you cannot get through your troubles on your own, get counseling or ask someone to mediate things for you. Some of the best relationships have been lost people don't want to ask for help. People who want to have a happy, healthy relationship are those who seek help when it is needed.

Waiting too long will only make the issue grow bigger and will allow for more damage to be done to the relationship, which will make it more difficult to save if and when you do get help. Getting help sooner rather than later is always a good thing, regardless of the issues. If you don't feel like you can solve the problems on your own, get the assistance of someone who is unbiased and can help.
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