Overcome Social Anxiety - Many people wonder how you can overcome social anxiety (or shyness).
One way is through something called self-hypnosis.
For the remainder part of this article, I will show you how to use meditation and positive imagery to conquer your social anxieties.
Sit in a comfortable position within a chair or lie on your bed.
Loosen your clothing a little and start taking deep breathes.
Do between five to ten of them.
When you are finished with the deep breathing, start relaxing each muscle group one by one.
You want to start at the top, in other words, your forehead.
Feel the warmth of relaxation travel down too your shoulders and into your back.
Keep breathing deeply, but you do not have to breathe as deep as before.
Now allow the feeling of relaxation travel to your chest area, then to your stomach.
From there, relax your legs clear down to your toes.
Once your whole body is relaxed (which should take between five to eight minutes (maybe longer)), it is now time to relax your mind.
In order to relax it, you must think of a pleasant place that you would like to be.
Mine is a beach.
So for the sake of example, let us go with what I do.
Picture yourself on a white sandy beach with you on it.
You are seeing the waves come in very slowly while you notice the palm trees behind you.
You then feel the breeze on your body while the warmth of the sun is on your face.
You tell yourself that all your worries and fears are gone.
Look at the surf come in and look at all the beauty around you.
Once you do this for about ten minutes, then it is time for you to do some positive visualization.
First of all, let us say you are uncomfortable at parties.
What you do is imagine yourself walking into a room full of people.
Now see yourself very relaxed and greeting people very confidently.
You love people and they love you back.
You are joking a little with people and basically, you are the life of the party.
Do this for another ten to fifteen minutes.
Once you are done with your positive visualization, you can now wake up.
Do this exercise once a day (at least) for the next thirty to ninety days.
Depending on how deep your fear is of people, it may take a little longer, but you should at least see your level of fear go down over a period of time.
This will also help your social anxiety in other situations.
One way is through something called self-hypnosis.
For the remainder part of this article, I will show you how to use meditation and positive imagery to conquer your social anxieties.
Sit in a comfortable position within a chair or lie on your bed.
Loosen your clothing a little and start taking deep breathes.
Do between five to ten of them.
When you are finished with the deep breathing, start relaxing each muscle group one by one.
You want to start at the top, in other words, your forehead.
Feel the warmth of relaxation travel down too your shoulders and into your back.
Keep breathing deeply, but you do not have to breathe as deep as before.
Now allow the feeling of relaxation travel to your chest area, then to your stomach.
From there, relax your legs clear down to your toes.
Once your whole body is relaxed (which should take between five to eight minutes (maybe longer)), it is now time to relax your mind.
In order to relax it, you must think of a pleasant place that you would like to be.
Mine is a beach.
So for the sake of example, let us go with what I do.
Picture yourself on a white sandy beach with you on it.
You are seeing the waves come in very slowly while you notice the palm trees behind you.
You then feel the breeze on your body while the warmth of the sun is on your face.
You tell yourself that all your worries and fears are gone.
Look at the surf come in and look at all the beauty around you.
Once you do this for about ten minutes, then it is time for you to do some positive visualization.
First of all, let us say you are uncomfortable at parties.
What you do is imagine yourself walking into a room full of people.
Now see yourself very relaxed and greeting people very confidently.
You love people and they love you back.
You are joking a little with people and basically, you are the life of the party.
Do this for another ten to fifteen minutes.
Once you are done with your positive visualization, you can now wake up.
Do this exercise once a day (at least) for the next thirty to ninety days.
Depending on how deep your fear is of people, it may take a little longer, but you should at least see your level of fear go down over a period of time.
This will also help your social anxiety in other situations.